You sound like you’ve never experienced heroin withdrawal before. Sick is an understatement. It’s more like legs thrashing, everything hurts, you are simultaneously hungry and not hungry, puking, crying…every negative feeling wrapped into one, and the entire time you have the knowledge that one more fix would take it away instantly. That week feels like a year, and everything gets reduced to a second by second basis.
I’ll take my “being bummed I don’t have weed” psychological addiction any day.
I know I am like a week late, but holy shit physical withdrawal can be unfathomably brutal. I literally thought about killing myself, just so I dont have to go through it again. You are in a constant state of thinking it is impossible to take it any second longer.
And once you’ve made it through acute withdrawals and you think you’ve made it - nope - welcome to post acute withdrawals, motherfucker. You’re going to feel like shit for months.
If I hadn’t been given benzos and been monitored 24/7 in a hospital I probably would have died. Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you alone, not to mention poly withdrawal.
Edit: Also a delir is the most disgusting feeling ever, worse than physical pain imo.
If anyone out there is considering heroin, I’d highly recommend giving it a pass. It makes you feel fearless (William Burroughs called it being the “de-anxietized man”), but it also removes all feelings of remorse and regret, until you inevitably become an insufferable asshole. The addiction creeps in slowly, so you don’t feel it for weeks or months, and then one day, you can’t wake up without it.
If you think this story won’t be you, think again. I once thought the same. I’ve been clean now for 15 years, but it still lurks in my mind sometimes.
You sound like you’ve never experienced heroin withdrawal before. Sick is an understatement. It’s more like legs thrashing, everything hurts, you are simultaneously hungry and not hungry, puking, crying…every negative feeling wrapped into one, and the entire time you have the knowledge that one more fix would take it away instantly. That week feels like a year, and everything gets reduced to a second by second basis.
I’ll take my “being bummed I don’t have weed” psychological addiction any day.
I know I am like a week late, but holy shit physical withdrawal can be unfathomably brutal. I literally thought about killing myself, just so I dont have to go through it again. You are in a constant state of thinking it is impossible to take it any second longer. And once you’ve made it through acute withdrawals and you think you’ve made it - nope - welcome to post acute withdrawals, motherfucker. You’re going to feel like shit for months.
Edit: Opioids and alcohol in my case.
It’s impossible to understate how much everything hurts.
If I hadn’t been given benzos and been monitored 24/7 in a hospital I probably would have died. Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you alone, not to mention poly withdrawal.
Edit: Also a delir is the most disgusting feeling ever, worse than physical pain imo.
Yes, I’m fortunate enough to have gone without that particular withdrawal.
But heroin is exactly what I was thinking when I added the qualifier “depending on the drug.”
I would never compare weed to heroin in any aspect.
I see now, I missed that qualifier.
If anyone out there is considering heroin, I’d highly recommend giving it a pass. It makes you feel fearless (William Burroughs called it being the “de-anxietized man”), but it also removes all feelings of remorse and regret, until you inevitably become an insufferable asshole. The addiction creeps in slowly, so you don’t feel it for weeks or months, and then one day, you can’t wake up without it.
If you think this story won’t be you, think again. I once thought the same. I’ve been clean now for 15 years, but it still lurks in my mind sometimes.
My wife and I have said we’ll each slam a hit on our deathbeds. But until then, nope.
Well, then, pro tip: take an allergy pill, it will keep you from itching too much on your first go.