Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking Fucking
Day ???/??? of downvoting every post with advertiser-friendly censorship in it.
I respect your mission
I’m glad you’re commited to downvoting these posts for somewhere between 2 and 27 years.
This sounds like a teenage robot first time seeing an intercourse that they couldn’t comprehend and got bsod-ed so it can only repeat the last word.
I like seeing people go ape shit over a line put on a swear word
I like seeing adults break rules for toddlers
every time you post a censored meme, a puppy dies. do you really want that on your conscience
It’s not censored, it’s edited to mean they ruined his entire life instead of only his sex life.
You can use bad words
Gee whiz, I’m a cryptic ass-eating turtle demon of the river! Now I’ll be remembered for millennia as “that weird creature with the bald haircut.”
On the bright side, you can now steal people’s souls from their buttholes. (I’m not kidding, that’s a thing kappas do, look it up)
“Make sure you don’t put ‘fuck’ in the title!”
Carhartt beanie time
Looks like an ancestor of my boy grumio.