It’s the sassy pose…
I am a person online.
It’s the sassy pose…
“Bad” I can’t say, you took no risk, and thus made no mistakes, but also displayed little skills.
Using triangles for the bodies is a good idea, as triangles are a good shape, you can do anything with triangles. Have you consider increasing the amount of triangle, as such?
I dropped the round heads in the last one, because honestly, circles are an overrated shape. And you can do anything in triangles, why use anything else?
You can find any number of foolish ressources online, none of them tells you the truth about triangles. All sorts of websites and yet more websites try to teach you how to draw, without even mentioning triangles in any of their tutorials.
Oh right, that’s a shame, I should’ve tested it first.
I personally use searx, a metasearch engine which lets you chose among many sources and returns results from all the selected ones. If you go into the settings, pic the “engine” tab, you have tabs for each specific search mode, and under “image”, Pinterest is along the options, alongside many others.
If you intend to make it your everyday search engine as I have, there’s one tiny caveat you should know: Like the Fediverse, it’s a service without a central server, where everyone can host an instance, the list of public instances is here. But since all of them are managed by individuals or small groups, they can fail or be overloaded, so you may have to switch to another one once in a while. Hosting your own instance is also an option, but I have yet to get around to learning that. Right now, the instance I use is .
This is getting seriously depressing, I knew who it was before I checked the username. You posted that you were going to quit drinking after the superbowl, right? I believe the superbowl is over.
You have a serious problem, but not an unsurmountable one. Get help if you need, I think you do. You can do it!
Fewer than Chromium, but lots compared to Servo.
Internet pictures with words are fucking dumb
Memers in shambles right now. Webcomic artists, to shreds. Researchers who use diagrams with legends in their publications, pulverized. Journalists, atomised.
A child draws a picture of his father and writes “I love you” for it is the man’s birthday. He posts the picture online.
Yells the mother, as she beats them both to death with a large brick.
In the halls of the United Nations, an envoy reads the latest finding of his commission: “I’m afraid every character of every alphabet is ultimately a drawing.”
“But that would mean…”
“Yes, I’m afraid. Every text online counts as internet picture with words. Including the meeting reports that Stephanie posts on our site.” Sound of typing stops, as Stephanie looks up, aghast The discussion resumes, the tone rises and descends again, a consensus is reached. It is a hard choice, but a fair one. All the lettered people are to be buried alive.
One of the big reasons why it’s considered unsafe to swim in floodwater is the hygien: Remember the sewers must be overflowing. Plus, the water can have engulfed any amount of chemicals (oil, gaz, battery acid…)
That might be a part of it, but…
(cw: Elon Musk in swimsuit)
Maybe it’s not Trump? Maybe it’sTristan/Honda from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Idk, I think Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny was good enough to make up for a bunch of bad ones…
Oh, I didn’t even know he was in that movie, didn’t really watch it or pay attention to its promotion material…
I classified my memes and sorted them in folders and sub folders (like, the “wojak” folder is a subfolder of “rage”). I might have a slightly different problem.
I don’t think even Jack Black can save that one.
Most alcoholism memes I’ve seen in this network were from you, at this point I think you should join AA or some similar group irl to quit drinking. This is not quirky and relatable, it’s a threat to your health and to your life. I’m sure you can get out of this, and talking about it is the first step… Even tho it’s to strangers online and in the form of memes. But don’t wait to much time moving on to the next steps, ask for help.
Are you a wombat?
RedStarOS has entered the chat
Whipping out the old classics, I see.
The triangle’s where it’s really at ∇ . Hexagons fanboys are always saying “but what about benzene? Obviously only a superior shape must occur naturally like that!”. But hear this, hexagooner: What about ozone? What about water? Also, don’t you know we can make hexagons by grouping triangles ? Heck, you can make any polygon with enough triangles.The only question is why we’d ever want to do that if we already have triangles, because triangles are the best shape. Δ ∇ Δ ∇
There are cases where species can have a fecund offspring, like the axolotl and the tiger salamander.