My wife works for a non-profit where the Executive Director (CEO if you will) cannot make more than 5x what the lowest paid person makes. Wish more non-profits would adopt something similar
My wife works for a non-profit where the Executive Director (CEO if you will) cannot make more than 5x what the lowest paid person makes. Wish more non-profits would adopt something similar
Might get some hate here for this, but I’ve tried this company’s cheese. It’s the best cheddar cheese I’ve ever tasted.
Heyo, that’s where I live 😅
Teehee )
Apparently someone already did with this extension: https://github.com/dessant/buster
He seemed like a decent uncle-type figure for Naomi
Star Trek DS9. So much good character development, plus all sorts of twists and turns
Not chicken, but someone tried hitting steak with drum pedals: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QFTCqnYk5Sw
Mae o’n braf! I’ve been using SaySomethingIn’s Automagic Welsh tutor. It’s really nice for being able to set your own learning pace. I haven’t really practiced with anyone in earnest, but I did take a trip to North Wales earlier this year and did ok! They were shocked that an American would choose to learn Welsh
English is my native tongue.
J’ai appris la français à l’école.
Rŵan dw i’n trio dysgu Cymraeg!
There’s a biological reason for this. We have a kind of fat called “brown fat” that keeps us warm. It increases during the winter and decreases during the summer. But, we have the greatest capacity when we’re young and reduces as we get older.
Lower Decks!
I remember a teacher talking about the physics of how a bike stays up while riding it with no hands. I thought he was joking
I feel like the better comparison is Kubernetes. Its predecessor that was developed inside Google was literally called “Borg”
Kai Winn: grabs you by the ear and declares that the prophets dictate you not only return her cart for her, but that you must unload her cart into her vehicle. And if you don’t, your pah will suffer, my child
Why do we even have that lever??
Rule of Acquisition #10: Greed is eternal.
Could the subspace transceiver handle it??? Might burn out the deflector dish
Just wait until you see cars from “brands” like Tisosh, Frauej, and ZXCVBNM