This is Kevin
Ohh he’s the one that turned into a singing jackass, yeah?
That site has become cancer.
Huh, how so? I don’t use it all that much so I don’t really have an opinion in one direction or another
Autoplaying ads for other communities that keep popping up no matter how often you close them, would be one thing that seriously irks me about Fandom these days.
Ah, that does sound irritating. I wonder if my adblocker keeps those at bay since I’m not sure I’ve seen any
Wow, that sure is barely usable on mobile. Over half my screen is filled up with stuff that’s not the article.
Was someone looking for Kevin?
Finally just watched this episode and pointed at the screen like the DiCaprio meme
Then I spent like an hour tracking this down again.
Hey, get a load of this guy over here who doesn’t know who Kevin is!
Kevin is the star treks we made along the way
Wasn’t that Duncan McNeill whatever? He was like the ensign on Voyager.
Yup. TOS “The Naked Time” s1e4. Weird as all hell, but a fun watch. Also, responsible for this:
This goes even further than we thought.
Oh myyyyyy!
SULU: I’ll protect you, fair maiden.
UHURA: Sorry, neither.
I literally watched this episode for the first time last night
Was that some unbelievable timing, or did the memes inspire you?
It was actually unbelievable timing! I saw the memes this morning and thought oh that Kevin guy must be a bigger part of TOS than I expected.
That’s absolutely hilarious!
Yeah, he’s just a side character in two episodes.
Nope I just decided he needed his moment.
Kevin Uxbridge?