I call this one ”as close as you can get to Bailey’s without ya eyes getting wet”
I call this one ”as close as you can get to Bailey’s without ya eyes getting wet”
I’m not making an address called ‘suckmy@doge.gov’ -some tired network admin somewhere
Hanlon didn’t prepare me for malicious morons fuck
Wait like it doesn’t show negative reviews in the friends recent activity pane?
Yep, as usual a headline is not enough context to actually understand and react to an issue. This sucks but is not the gotcha the headline really wants it to be.
Can’t find a copy of the screen but it literally says “Apple 8” on the screen… NB Mac OS 8 came out July 1997.
Now, I would love to know more about who’s behind MALIBAL, and what’s happening within the - probably, single-person - company. However, I have not found any information about that; if you have any, please feel free to contact me.
sorry did the author not come across the companies own about page?
lol thats neat, malibal is based directly across the street from the palms casino in vegas.
watch me get all of DC banned for that emoji
For the record Veitch is just a comedian alleged rapist with absolutely no affiliation with MALIBAL. MALIBAL is run by Matthew Plott as listed here on their site.
Old Graphics =/= Bad Graphics
edit: furthermore old =/= bad. Old is a quantitative measure and bad is qualitative. Trying to use one measure as the litmus for the other is like saying “there are five apples on that tree, they must taste terrible.”
inb4: i dont care if it isnt a perfect analogy and there’s actually some study somewhere that showed that apple trees that retain prime number multiples of fruit on their branches statistically taste worse when rated on a blind taste test.
Don’t support non union productions.
Yeah this was a dumb comment and didn’t and anything
deleted by creator
Take responsibility for the words you want to use. Can’t stand this algorithm obsessed bullshit self censorship.
He’s an alleged pedophile, fucking call him one.
Thanks this helped me a bunch.
That’s the thing, i will never be able to write a complete project unaided, full stop. I banged my head against that process for 10+ years trying to teach myself. I’ve tried classes, books, tutorials and i always end up failing out because i am incapable of actually writing code correctly, even when i know what im doing is the way its supposed to work. I struggle enough with just spelling english words, my native fucking language, correctly half the time. So remembering where the semi colon goes or that you need to use : instead of = in these specific cases but not these specific cases, is something my brain is simply incapable of accomplishing.
I’m not applying for jobs, i’m not trying to build any kind of major infrastructure, i just simply want to participate in a community and not be shunned and ridiculed because i use a tool that allows me to participate at all.
So would you think I’d be welcomed to join a game jam with a ‘no AI’ rule or would I be disqualified? Based on the amount of downvotes both iterations of my original comment it genuinely seems like most people think I don’t belong.
I mean not as much anymore since the end of the shuttle program. Huntsville is where a lot of vehicle production but a lot of that is private companies like ULA, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc. with govt contracts and subsidies. There’s only about 7k direct nasa employees at Marshall.