Hey All,

So here’s the deal, I have an old HP laptop I am in the process of resetting and setting up wiping and setting up as my ~8yo nephew’s first computer. He played his first PC game sitting on my lap and I am determined to fuel his budding interest in computers as much as possible. He has an iPad from his parents and has been attending a ‘code ninjas’ camp for kids his age and has been loving it. So for Christmas this year I asked his parents and they’re comfortable with him having his own, supervised, system.

I was planning to start with just a blank slate on the machine with a parent account and then a child account for him. Obviously the parental controls will be in place with his parents getting a crash course in anything they don’t already know how to use(they’re tech literate so I’m not worried about that). But they’re not CS people and I’m only barely self taught over the years.

I have this vision of giving him a sandbox with enough toys and tools (as much FOSS as possible) that he can safely play around and build/make things on his own. So here’s where my question for y’all comes in, what are your recommendations for a budding computer scientist/programmer’s first Windows machine? And just to head it off at the pass, no, we can’t go the Linux route yet. I don’t have the experience/expertise to support a system like that remotely and his parents have even less. I’m also wondering if there are any tutorials or resources I could load onto the machine that he can /watch learn from without an internet connection?

And lastly I’m wondering if anyone has any advice for encouraging him to push the boundaries of the parental controls and locks on the system. Obviously not in a way that undermines his parents authority. But I want to encourage that sense of almost devious exploration that encourages even just users to truly analyze and understand the limitations and cracks in systems they’re dropped into. To give a probably horribly outdated example from my past: figuring out how to bypass the proxy service the school network used to access browser game websites.

  • Currently only on mobile and memmy seems to be having some trouble properly displaying comments and posting my replies. I’m seeing things in my inbox but am only able to see my comment on the actual post. Will respond to people once I’m home and can access the actual site. Thanks for all the advice so far, keep it coming!
    • geoma@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      For me this answer is biased. I am a technology teacher and father of five. Had great experience with Linux. Get them on the free ecosystem with no barriers! That’s the best educational environment. Kturtle, gcompris. Krita. Inkscape. Scratch. Godot. Freecad. Gimp. Libresprite/Aseprite. More than enough to keep you busy. I grew up with DOS. The best fuel for me learning computing was trying to make games run. Nowadays everything tries to be so easy and simple and that’s great but sometimes it has an educational drawback. Linux is so much easier for kids than for adults who are already used to windows/Mac. Edit: you could also start with i3wm. That’s what I did with my kids. Of course, the hard part of that is not them learning, but you first learning it so you can show it to them. Have an eye on that and adjust difficulty depending on your time for this project. If you don’t have that much time and willingness to learn yourself, just go KDE plasma or other.

        • geoma@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          My experience is different. I tend to think the billions of dollars spent by microsoft on marketing and lobbies give them some advantage. And a lot of companies use linux more than windows. But of course it depends on your historical experience and choices.

            • geoma@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              Yeah less use Linux. But, even with all of Microsoft lobbies and marketing, a bunch do. For example in the country where I live, the desktop computers of the main bus transport and courier company all use Suse linux. In a school where I worked, all computers also had Linux. It really makes sense in educational contexts.

                • geoma@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  Yeah that’s a sad situation. I suppose you already know about the dangers for the future of our children of not having access to software code and one big company having control over our devices and surveillance capitalism and blah blah blah so I won’t waste your time with that again. Every context is different, every mind is different. Hope you succeed in giving this child what will be best for his future. Good luck and congratulations for your motivation!

  • N00b22@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    So here’s the deal, I have an old HP laptop I am in the process of resetting and setting up as my ~8yo nephew’s first computer.

    Big mistake. It reinstalls all the bloatware and sometimes it can even end up bricking your Windows install. Always clean install.

    Obviously the parental controls will be in place with his parents getting a crash course in anything they don’t already know how to use(they’re tech literate so I’m not worried about that).

    Just in case you decide to use the Microsoft parental controls. It automatically blocks Firefox so you have to unblock it manually.

    So here’s where my question for y’all comes in, what are your recommendations for a budding computer scientist/programmer’s first Windows machine?

    Replace the HDD with a 512 GB SATA SSD, install 8 GBs of RAM and it will probably last more

    • Ladas552@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Replace the HDD with a 512 GB SATA SSD, install 8 GBs of RAM and it will probably last more

      nah, it would seem more magical when in 4 years his great uncle magically upgrades his pc to be light years faster. Had this experience as a kid, totally worth it.

  • Helix 🧬@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    I can recommend https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/ and a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS. That should set them up for a lifelong journey of learning and excitement and bring enough tools to experience everything without relying on Windows which spies on them.