While I appreciate the addition, I feel like Weyoun would command Damar to return the cart.
Damar would then drunkenly push it into the cart return and not pick it up when it fell over.
There’s my boy.
Kai Winn: grabs you by the ear and declares that the prophets dictate you not only return her cart for her, but that you must unload her cart into her vehicle. And if you don’t, your pah will suffer, my child
Nah, Kai Winn is the Karen who complains to the store manager that all of the carts pull to the left.
I’m Worf.
Some days we’re all Worf.
Those are the days “I only went in for 1 or 2 (20 as it turns out) things”
“The cart return tasks me! It tasks me and I shall have it!”
The real move is to park next to the cart return
Now you’re thinking like Vedek Bareil.
Do you know how many carts Dukat spared from getting pushed into traffic?
But people who don’t return carts are just as bad as landlords???
Hey, talk to Rom; he’s the one who thinks that.
It’s true, I do.
Morn: never seen with a cart
Morn is the guy whose job it is to collect the carts and stock shelves, but the only thing anyone ever sees him doing is smoking out behind the dumpster.
And yet, all the carts are collected and all the shelves fully stocked.
But everyone talks about how he’s the best with carts.
Bashir would definitely return his cart and others, and not be irked by it.
A couple minor changes to this one:
Obrien: gets imprisoned and tortured while returning cart, gets dumped next to the corral for pickup
Garak: convinces someone else to return the cart. They are happy to do so for such a charming gentleman. Merely a simple tailor, of course.
You have two wolfs inside of you. One returns the cart, the other does not.