“Working as intended.”
“Working as intended.”
This aggression will not stand, man!
I know this well!
(I live in Florida.)
Ask B’Elanna
The damn Klingons aren’t shedding a single bloody tear!
Yep, aside literally one episode for about, what, 15 seconds, we saw some strange new aliens.
And yes I’ve been very jaded against the gaslighting about these shows thanks to the brutal subjugation of the reddit sub. I’ve seen fake gushing over these shows too many times, and I just pictured poor Wil Wheaton making the post.
Not roasting, but don’t really agree. I mean, look at what’s left of twitter. He was never directly controlling Tesla and certainly not SpaceX, just had the money, practiced bullshit artistry, and made specific orders if it suited him.
I can almost certainly thank him for the ability to make my car fart from my phone, but that’s about it.*
*Disclaimer: Comment author (hereby “jerkface”) fully acknowledges jerkface has no insider experience in the Tesla product pipeline, and jerkface carries hopeful bias in that Musk has very little to do with the success of Tesla in order to assuage jerkface’s emotional guilt for loving the absolute shit out of jerkface’s Model 3 Performance because it’s awesome.
Edit-crap, no superscript with ^ I guess.
I and at least literally ‘ones’ of others figured he’d be off to Russia or more likely Saudi Arabia as soon as he left office because he was scared shitless of being thrown in jail.
Now, naturally I’m a bit pissed he hasn’t been held, at least on the Jan 6th charges, if not the damn espionage act indictment. “Two-tiered” justice, indeed.
Yeah, that’s where nightly was when I still had it, with only a few, if important, extensions available.
But RES and old.reddit were no-go and made me sad. At least I had RIF (RIP IN PEACE).
Either way, glad to see it’s getting wider support for all. I wish it worked that way in fruitymobileland, but at least there is a browser (Orion) that actually supports both FF and Chrome extensions that tries to make up for things.
Really!? Well, shit, I hate life more, then.
Had to use the nightly build version, though I suck and I’ve been off platform too long
It’s the thing I miss most after intentionally going to ‘that other platform’ for dev reasons, though Brave Browser is a decent stand-in for FF+uBlock on this side of the walled garden.
That clearly isn’t a power-woke diesel engine!
Am I posting on social media?
If so, then, and wherever my phone pings to a tower.
Well, or I’m on the exercise bike, because the phone thinks I’m taking steps, so I double up on calorie calculations as an excuse to drink more.
… but that stays only on the phone, right?
I really can’t wait until history forgets even the existence of this dipshit yokel.
“Jesus Christ, Kentucky,” exclaimed the Floridian unironically.
Air-by messes up an episode or three. I’d have to find my list.
And no, in all seriousness I watch all of it. LD is a fine parody/comedy, and I can enjoy it as a Trek show without yelling at the screen or my eyes rolling out of my head. I care not who says it is or is not canon, no more than I would ever tell anyone else how any fiction may exist in someone else’s mind.
Reality, on the other hand… wew lads there’s a lot of people I want to smash reality into their heads through their ears, errr, but that’s not relevant to this thread or sub…
*shrugs and goes back 427th rewatch of TNG/DS9/VOY in chronological order
I’d like to think I’m smart, but the longer I’m here, the more I question my self-assessment.
(I’m in a really gd nice area, though. Doesn’t stop some asshole flying 3-story-tall “trump won” banners, unfortunately.)
I couldn’t figure out why, but I always thought the Cardassian women were extremely pretty. Maybe due to forcing more facial symmetry from the makeup/prosthetics or something.
Regardless, they’re much better looking than those other people… with makeup and prosthetics…