Fuck you ClearChannel
Exactly. Clearchannel destroyed radio in the 90s. Their app can eat shit.
We are in the cyberpunk dystopia that used to seem so cool
I hate this future. Even when we get cool tech it’s thoroughly tainted by privacy issues and advertisement.
I installed Tekken on the PlayStation a few days ago and they had 4 separate screens of privacy notifications and terms of service. Each one must have been 60 fucking pages long. Dude! I just wanted to play a simple video game, not read the library or congress and sign away my life. It’s even more ridiculous when you consider the fact that we’re paying these companies to steal all of our data from us.
I know. I recently bought a new gaming console and damn, it’s a mess. I’m going to sell it because I just can’t accept what console gaming has become. I miss the NES.
If you miss the NES then the Switch is pretty awesome. Similar games, but vastly improved, plus you can play Zelda.
I installed Tekken on the PlayStation a few days ago and they had 4 separate screens of privacy notifications and terms of service. Each one must have been 60 fucking pages long. Dude! I just wanted to play a simple video game, not read the library or congress and sign away my life. It’s even more ridiculous when you consider the fact that we’re paying these companies to steal all of our data from us.
It seemed cool when it was our rpg characters and film heroes who were in it.
Cyberpunk was cool because it was about the invaded masses working against and loathing the dystopia that oppressed them. Sadly reality butted in, and we live in the same dystopia, but nobody fucking cares because it’s so easy to just not.
It was also cool because the fashion kicked ass. Our fashion fucking blows. Our cyberpunk dystopian fashion is cheap fabrics and jeans so tight they look painted on? What happened to leather jackets with chains on them, and mohawks? Wheres my freaking bionic arm?
If everything would be greener and open source. Following GDPR like proton.com, then this would be a cool cyberpunk world. But its mainly America and heavy capitalism that destroys our internet.
(I am not a comrade or other removed, don’t worry)
Don’t even give Google that info.
They probably still know somehow, which is also terrible.
You need to feed it false data.
I know right?..
Like, ‘How often do you poop and where?’
Whenever and wherever my heart desires.
My heart poops into my liver.
Please don’t tell Google though.
Ah, so a diaper enjoyer
Am I posting on social media?
If so, then, and wherever my phone pings to a tower.
Well, or I’m on the exercise bike, because the phone thinks I’m taking steps, so I double up on calorie calculations as an excuse to drink more.
… but that stays only on the phone, right?
Jokes on them.
I’ve been lying about all those details for decades.
Permanently 14/f/cali
Unfortunately it doesn’t work if you need to supply payment information.
Jesus, at least the actual radio is anonymous, I’ll just tune into X107 HOTTEST NEW ALTERNATIVE and quietly enjoy my 90’s hits and privacy I guess
I heart radio is a podcast platform, not music one
Brb then going to go start I ❤️ Podcasts where I play only 90’s hottest new alternative
Iheartradio has partnerships with many radio stations.
It’s both.
“See your gender”
They need to be careful when translating that…
I enjoy how the list starts with innocous stuff and when it starts to become too long for most users to read, it requests access to all the rest, too…
“Associate you with your personal info at Google”
They could have said private info, but we all know that would be a lie…
Id recommend Radio Garden, its pretty nice and has Radio from around the world, its also not too bad regarding privacy from what I’ve experienced.
For privacy I would always recommend FOSS apps. I personally like Transistor, it is lightweight, simple and private.
I don’t understand why anyone would ever use Google or Facebook to log into anything other than Google or Facebook. The amount of information they can get about you with those logins far exceeds what they need. Why are people willing to give away all of their privacy just to avoid typing a password? It’s wacky, man! Wacky!
Ikr, people that do are also putting all their eggs in one basket, which doesn’t seem very smart to me either
“Download” your exact date of birth
234/n/igloo checking in.
I❤️(your data)radio
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