I’ve been pretty down on modern Star Trek, but Lower Decks really shines out because IMO it’s being made by people who clearly love Star Trek.
You can’t forget Strange New Worlds.
I’ve been a bit wobbly on Strange New Worlds. It’s had some rough episodes, though overall I’m liking it and it’s had some stellar episodes as well. Not as consistently good as Lower Decks, though.
All of Trek has had rough episodes, so I can’t really hold it against Strange New Worlds. They do stand out more with only 10 episodes per season though
Pike breaks the prime directive with no consequences
so it’s star trek
So did Kirk several times. Earlier Starfleet, different galactic political landscape, different rules.
Modern trek wonderful, everything after tng is better than the first two series.
Heh, we have different cutoffs for “modern Star Trek.” My dividing line is the JJ Abrams movie.
I love the main casting (bones Kirk and spock) of the jjverse but otherwise it’s a generic action movie.
Fuck that shit
Low-er decks! Low-er decks!
Note: do not point out spelling mistakes on mods posts when possible
sen-sors detect no spelling mistakes, captain
I enjoy this image immensely.
Wait till you read The Diamond Age.
Ok cannon
I’ve never personally understood why people get so obsessed with which works of fiction are more real. It’s just a silly thing to worry about.
It adds to the cohesive narrative which can make the overall story telling experience better. When works are considered canon, that’s usually an indicator that the overall franchise narrative is being cared for and thought of.
It can also mean that some aspects of one show can show up in another or vice versa. It’s very cool to see a character you really like. Show up in another medium.
I fully agree, but I also think that there’s too much focus these days on official canon. Copyright might mean that only one big giant corporation is allowed to make stories “set” in a particular universe, but that shouldn’t mean that fans can’t decide for themselves “nope, that was lame, I reject that particular bit.” And if enough fans share that opinion the big giant corporation might want to listen to them.
Would love if multiple authors could create a shared open IP, where anyone can create commercial works derived from it (as long as they dont copy and re-publish the work itself), without needing permission from an IP holder for every work. And canon and fanon is the same thing, if an author writes a plot, that work would gets rejected or included by other authors opinion of it.
1632 series did kindof that, I think, in that they publish fan-fiction and refer to it in main stories. But thats just through one publisher. And did the fan-authors get royalties for that book sale? Idk.
Anarchists are anti canon
For your second point, you can do that without worrying about canon. In fact it’s easier if you don’t.
For the first one, that can be interesting for a single coherent work with a single writer or team of writers that planned out at least an outline of a story beforehand, but there are rarely questions about canon for those kinds of stories. For something worked on for over half a century by hundreds if not thousands of people many of whom have very different visions for what it should all be about, in my experience it just leads to people getting mad at each other based on which of those visions they like more, and lots of self-contradictory nonsense crammed into the story to try and make it all work. That is just my opinion though. You are free to like different things than I do.
I just see canon as a toolbox for building one’s personal fanon/headcanon from.
I’m mentally ill and tbh I cannot do non canon. I want the whole picture as painted, not with sticky notes everywhere.
Except Starbucks dad was a cylon, it’s the only way it all makes sense.
I honestly wasn’t thinking I’d see my username corrupted, but I love the meme!
That’s like the perfect frame of Mariner. Wow.
Yeah TAS canonicity confirmed lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Here’s hoping we get a m’ress appearance on Strange New worlds then.
M’Ress and T’Ana’s fur coloration is so similar… I want an Easter Egg where we just see the Libido Post in M’Ress’s quarters… and it’s the same one.
Me too.
Honestly the constant bitching about ‘NuTrek’ is what makes me avoid Star Trek fans most of the time. I can rattle off episode names, quote the show, cite lines in episodes. Hell, I technically worked on a Trek show. Nothing makes me more embarassed than the incessant bitching and whining about how the new stuff isn’t canon or how it supposedly breaks canon or how the writing sucks. People who have legitimate criticisms, voice them as such, but are still polite or at least optimistic? You people are heroes. But the rest of you who just throw stuff at the show and say how it sucks? Fuck y’all. We are getting new Star Trek after the franchise being abandoned for years and your first reaction is to bitch and whine.
Hell yes it’s all canon. Hell yes the animation is amazing. I have a UFP flag on my wall and I’m proud of it.
the funniest thing about people who constantly complain about “nutrek” is that half of them haven’t even seen TOS so the show that’s “real trek” to them is literally just the nutrek og fans were saying ruined star trek in the late 80s
Oh God, so much this. I do not understand the blind hate for nutrek. Lower decks is hilarious, discovery fucking went for it, Picard gave us three of the most interesting story lines, SNW is throwing some of the best classic style storylines at us we’ve seen since Shatner could fit in his girdle, Prodigy has done a damn good job of making trek something parents can watch with their bains and not want to blow their brains out.
Honestly, I think a bunch of people (myself included to a degree) got so upset over the Klingons in disco that they’ve collectively decided anything after that is shit.
I totally got the hate at first. I thought early Discovery and Picard were terrible. What I don’t get is people who have made hating new Trek such an identity, they’re unable to ever shift position despite Discovery picking up from S3, Picard blowing it out the water with S3 and all the other new shows hitting the gate running. Not being able to change your view in the face of new evidence is the least Trek thing you can do.
I’m not going to lie. I had the same issue with the klingons at first. Not over their appearance, funnily enough. I thought it was an interesting take and considering the fact that klingons in TOS just looked like dudes I waved away an alien race looking a bit different. The thing that enraged me was the language. Either the dude who played T’kuvma had no time to practice Klingon or he had a truly terrible false teeth set that made it impossible for him to speak Klingon.
I did completely discount Discovery until Season 2 started and I decided to give it another shot by starting from the top. I’m so very glad I did. I have critiques of all the shows, and I mean OG and Nu, but I still love them all the same. Me being a gay dude and finally getting proper representation in Star Trek does mean that Discovery did get into my good graces very quickly. It’s just nice to see a character that’s like me for a change instead of sitting through the 17 trillionth heterosexual love story.
Either the dude who played T’kuvma had no time to practice Klingon or he had a truly terrible false teeth set that made it impossible for him to speak Klingon.
Hey now, don’t be ableist against Klingons with speech impediments! \s
Honestly, I think a bunch of people (myself included to a degree) got so upset over the Klingons in disco that they’ve collectively decided anything after that is shit.
My nutrek hate is way more about JJ’s galaxy-wide plot holes than it is Disco Klingons.
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Canon to the left of them, canon to the right of them!
…Canon in front of them contradicted and blundered.
…Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right…
Ah, someone who understands.
Exquisite work!
Well, a subspace anomaly turned the universe into a musical, who’s to say another one in a parallel universe didn’t turn everyone into cartoons?
I want the image trace you did of Mariner’s head, it’s so perfect
When did they animate a cannon?
Jim Kirk had one on each side of his torso.
No, that was spillover when his girdle started to fail