How many times I’ve purchased GTA 5 on PC: 1
How many times PlayStation users have purchased GTA 5: 3
Must get old to have to rebuy your games every generation. Not to mention the ps5 version is still worse than the PC version lol
How many times I’ve purchased GTA 5 on PC: 1
How many times PlayStation users have purchased GTA 5: 3
Must get old to have to rebuy your games every generation. Not to mention the ps5 version is still worse than the PC version lol
Welcome to Lemmy where discussions aren’t welcome. Only echo chambers.
Bought this on PC a few days ago for $16 and it’s so boring.
It’s just the same stuff over and over?
Rdr2 has really ruined games for me. Like I can’t even jump on a rock and shoot my bow from on top of it, because they put invisible walls around it, despite it being the perfect height to jump onto.
I haven’t purchased games on release day for a LONG time, unless it’s a game I just simply cannot wait. Everything else is on Steam for 75-90% off.
There’s really no point. Nearly every game launches these days completely broken. They have a ton of DLC or “special” editions for $150 CAD, and overall it’s a shit experience.
Buy that shit for 75% off, complete edition, and full of bug fixes (or mods that fix everything).
Reminds me of an app I downloaded the other day to help plan routes. They asked for my cars “KPL”.
Like what? Who in the world says KPL? It’s l/100KM.
While I’m aware that some places may use KPL, it just seems very American to go “hey, we use MPG, so they must use KPL”.
They’ve released a new phone every year for a long time, though. This isn’t anything new.
So is Epic.
Buying exclusivity rights to games so people will be forced to use your platform is the most crooked shit.
H.265 on my phone is not 50% the size. Maybe ~25% less at maximum.
I’d rather bust a nut on the mushrooms and eat those instead.
Waifu and milk? You guys need help!
Snapchat has been this way for quite a long time on pixels.
YouTube link for those who prefer it. Sorry, piped just refuses to load videos for me. I don’t have all day to sit around and troubleshoot a 50 second video.
Do you realize not everything is piratable?
Biggest issue with Tor is the 1Mbps speeds it gives me on my 1.5Gbps connection.
Also, I decided to go to an onion link for the first time last month, typed in “best onion websites” on Google, clicked the first Reddit link, found the top comment and typed in it first address.
Child porn.
I know onion addresses can be anything, but God damn. Comment is still up on Reddit, also. I believe it was posted a couple years ago.
So I definitely can understand where that idea of Tor comes from lol
Google Home Maxes (both EOL’d)
Except they continue to work perfectly. What would you like to see changed? Since it runs in the cloud, you’re always getting up to date Google assistant tech on them. When Google adds new commands to Google Assistant, Google Home Max automatically gets them. A firmware update is not required.
a Google OnHub (updates stopped after ~18 months)
Google OnHub is part of what I said in my original comment. Google WiFi got fucked. However, you’re completely lying.
Released 2015.
“In December 2021, Google announced that OnHub routers would no longer receive any software or security updates.”
18 months is 1.5 years. 2016 - 2021 is 5 years. Not sure why you’re lying?
HTC M7(8?) Google Play Edition, Nexus…I had bad luck, but I’m not trusting another piece of Google hardware for my life.
The fact you’re using examples from 2013 to criticize Google a decade later is wild. I guess it’s easier to just be ignorant and hateful.
The Nexus Q was given away at no cost to attendees of Google I/O, but the product’s consumer launch was indefinitely postponed the following month, purportedly to collect additional feedback. Those who had pre-ordered the Nexus Q following its unveiling received the device at no cost.
So again, Google decided not to launch something, and people got it for free.
Google may be wishy washy for many things, but I’d argue their hardware support is mostly pretty good.
Fitbit has premium subscriptions. Not sure why anyone bought them to begin with.
Even before Google, Fitbit made it hard/impossible to sync your stats with other apps.
Get a Mi Band or something better.
Pixel gets more updates than Samsung. Chromecast is pretty well supported. Google Homes are supported.
The only Google hardware that still exists that I can remember off the top of my head, that got fucked, is Google WiFi. They stopped updating it months before they released Nest WiFi.
They shut down stadia, but everyone got a full refund.
Discord sucks, but I’ve actually had a 100% successful help rate on it vs Reddit or Lemmy.
Typically Discord servers have specific tech support rooms, and you’ll get help pretty quickly. Only once I have had to ask my question a second time, because it was missed the first time.
Meanwhile Reddit threads just get downvoted, buried, and you’re never helped. Even when I try to search for threads that other people have posted, 90% of threads are just blank.
Lemmy is the worst. Doesn’t matter what you need, they’ll just call you stupid and tell you to use Linux and FOSS alternative, ignoring the fact you NEED to use what you’re asking help with.