Dude it’s such an easy conversion between dongles and whatsits, you just don’t get how intuitive it is. There are 42.48 whatsits in a dongle, and 17.49 dongles in a shlorp. Europeans are overreacting so much
Modern tech makes a lot of this irrelevant. I can drive from US into Canada, spend 5 seconds going through my cars settings, and have everything displayed in km, even the km I have left in the tank. It’s like when coders use constants in their program, and only have to remember the constant name while the number it represents can change in a config header or something. The program still runs as normal while silently using the new value.
It’s not really worth caring about. Not in everyday life. I’d say differently if you were a scientist or engineer. Metric should be the measurement system of all STEM.
I prefer to measure speed in football fields per minute.
You make dem der figures FPH n’ you got a deal. I don’t wanna be going no 600 yards a minute. I wanna be cruisin at 35000 yard and hour, ya hur?
A mile is about 15 football fields, so if we did switch to using that measurement, we could all be going 1,000 on the freeway.
Ur gotdang right. My Mopar might be a four banger, but with cheezus behind the wheel we’re gon’ near 1700 n’ gettin 500 a gallon.
Hmmm yeah… I know some of those words.
Reminds me of an app I downloaded the other day to help plan routes. They asked for my cars “KPL”.
Like what? Who in the world says KPL? It’s l/100KM.
While I’m aware that some places may use KPL, it just seems very American to go “hey, we use MPG, so they must use KPL”.
I grew up with km/L.
I don’t mind using whatever scale, but it’s somewhat better for comparing the numbers that cars actually use, because with l/100km every car is five something or six something.
Also the higher numbers are better like everything else on the car comparison cards.
america kilometers