image transcription:
a YouTube screenshot of a community post, which is a meme regarding incognito mode. it has two panels with an animated figure(person) and chrome logo (chrome) with limbs. in first panel, chrome is asking “which website would you line to see?”, to which the person replies " I don’t want you to know. " in second panel, chrome has become a ventriloquist, holding a masked muppet with sunglasses and a fedora(symbol for incognito on chrome). it is asking the person “what about telling Mr. incognito?”, to which the person joyfully replies “okay.”
the screenshot has a main comment with several replies. the main comment(by Paula_Amato) reads, “And then there’s Tor browser e CD Catching my brother Scrolling through Tor was the second worst secret I know about him… The first is the website he was using.”
replies to the comment:
[30 Pranay Pawar • 1 day ago] May God bless and have mercy on the bro’s life. I would knock myself out for eternity if anybody i know found that out too.
[FArid ch. • 1 day ago] what onion website your brother access… out of curiosity
[Griffin McKenzie • 1 day ago (edited)] Tor is literally just a browser like any other but better.
The stereotype of pedophiles using the dark web is absolutely true. I hosted an exit node and not even a day later got a call from my ISP. I told them I was hosting an exit node and they instantly understood the situation, went to close the node and have never hosted another one since.
I don’t think ‘people’ think about Tor. Most would not know what that is…
Honestly, I’d probably use Tor more if I knew which sites on the dark web were “safe”.
Basically, I know how to use Tor, but I have no idea where to begin with it.
I don’t use tor but I would use it for piracy if I lived in a strict country
… Tor is just a modified Firefox though lmfao.
It’s based on Firefox, but those modifications do have a rather large impact in terms of privacy.
personally I don’t care if google knows about my femboy hentai I just don’t want it popping up in my search whenever i type “f”
Back in 2002 my manager was hosting his own little site on his home webserver. Shared it with all of us, and the company’s managers who were our sole source of income.
“So Jay, the Google search widget is pretty cool, but when I stary to type “a”, “Angelina Jolie porn” comes in the results. Who all you share this with?”
“Oh shit! Are you fucking serious?!”
Biggest issue with Tor is the 1Mbps speeds it gives me on my 1.5Gbps connection.
Also, I decided to go to an onion link for the first time last month, typed in “best onion websites” on Google, clicked the first Reddit link, found the top comment and typed in it first address.
Child porn.
I know onion addresses can be anything, but God damn. Comment is still up on Reddit, also. I believe it was posted a couple years ago.
So I definitely can understand where that idea of Tor comes from lol
I don’t know anything about Tor and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.
It’s a heavily modified firefox browser designed to work with something called “the onion network”. It’s called this because there are several nodes on the network designed to obfuscate your Internet traffic by wrapping a layer on your Internet traffic, creating an “onion”. All of these layers mean that each node only knows what the previous and next nodes are. The most vulnerable nodes are the starting and exit nodes, because they can identify you and potentially trace back your IP. You also can’t choose your starting or exit nodes. It’s well known that the US federal government controls some of these exit nodes.