Me reading the first word of each sentence instead of the first letter
Online Card and Tabletop Gaming Network
) Plesse close that parentheses
Finally I understand this comic, I’ve seen it some time ago and was just confused
At least it is royality free compared to HDMI which has a large annual fee + per unit fee for manufacturers
Die BWI hat den BwMessenger eigens für die Bundeswehr entwickelt. Er kann also ausschließlich von ihren Angehörigen genutzt werden. Die Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Qualität und Stabilität einer Messaging-Lösung sind im Behördenumfeld aber durchaus ähnlich, genauso wie die Nutzungsszenarien. Deshalb hat die BWI die Messaging-Plattform der Bundeswehr unter dem Namen „BundesMessenger“ als nachnutzbare Lösung für die öffentliche Verwaltung weiterentwickelt, allerdings ohne bundeswehrspezifische Funktionen und Eigenheiten. Den Quellcode für Backend und Apps beziehungsweise alle für den Betrieb erforderlichen Software-Komponenten und Dokumentationen hat die BWI auf Open CoDE veröffentlicht, der gemeinsamen Plattform der öffentlichen Verwaltung für den Austausch von Open-Source-Software.
Such an iconic video
196 is a square number, the square of 14. As the square of a Catalan number, it counts the number of walks of length 8 in the positive quadrant of the integer grid that start and end at the origin, moving diagonally at each step. It is part of a sequence of square numbers beginning 0, 1, 4, 25, 196, … in which each number is the smallest square that differs from the previous number by a triangular number.
Those are green websites /s
Wtf on their homepage:
How about my privacy?
We respect users’ privacy and do not collect any personal data besides the essential minimum to create and sync your account.
Facebook analytics, Facebook login, facebook share, google firebase analytics and microsoft visual studio app center are present in the android app.
I just measured it, and this takes 0.17 seconds. And it’s really reliable, I added another zero to that number and it was 1.7 seconds
Can anyone explain the funny for me?
Polish surrealist painter
Or Mariusz Lewandowski
(Sorry for the reddit link :/)
Not personalized. But what I personally use from time to time is the invidious popular feed, some invidious instances have the popular feed turned on, which shows popular videos streamed on that instance.
Instance list:
Example instance:
Sorry I can’t hear you with my Focal Bathys 🤓