The hinge gets you that smooth close action after slathering both sides
I am conflicted. Is this image unhinged or hinged?
mmmm i love me some door hinge in my pb & j
That classic clang on the first bite, that’s the stuff🤤🤤
Finally, my marmalade sandwiches can have internal rhymes
Wtf is a pb&j
Im french and i have never eaten peanut butter in my life, thanks for the link
If other nut butters are common in France they also work well! My favorite is cashew butter and blackberry jam
Actually I never ate any nut butter at all
While debatable that it’s really nut butter (hazelnut), not even Nutella?
Nutella is mostly chocolate with just a pinch of nuts afaik
Nut butters are egregiously dense in
caloriesJOULES, they’re ideal for gettingcrunkedbourré on ENERGY (I localized the sentence for French-speakers)I was the same as you but married a Canadian and she converted me. It’s delicious.
Might give it a try then!
I somehow remember this image… hmm
Hinged Pbj is an integral part of many people’s childhoods, makes sense {I only shitpost reposts}
love me a pork bean jelly sandwich
Without. Dr. says I have enough iron in my diet already.
Only if you rip out the four-inch screws
And then I want some orange juiceI like mine unhinged