Save us, EU. You’re our only hope. Sincerely, USA
Cries in britland
You are welcome to rejoin
Actually probably not. Not without major concessions. The pound will have to go which they will never accept unless they have absolutely no other choice
The concessions are the same as for any other EU member, which is fair
Why does the pound have to go?
Yeah I’m confused about this statement… There’s several EU countries that don’t use the Euro, like Poland and Czechia.
Some joined when the rules stated that you could choose. Some others are just waiting to meet conditions that will allow them to enter the Eurozone (like Croatia did last year)
Because countries that join nowadays have to adopt the Euro. Denmark, for example, joined when that was still allowed, so they still have their DK.
Apparently it’s dependent on the signing of a certain agreement before a certain date, which the UK did sign, so it’s actually debated on whether or not Brexit made that signature null or not.
The UK adopts various EU rules, a lot of stuff even sold in Northern Ireland has to abide by EU rules (so just say that Apple did make separate lightning and USB C phones, they’d have to use separate operations to sell specific ones in parts of the UK and not others, it probably would have been easier for them to just sell the European models)
Hey, y’all did a good job with the FAIR act. Keep working on it
Canada, too. We’re somehow even more feckless at anti-trust.
I’m still amazed that I’d never heard about Nortel until this year.
This keeps happening—can you lot make some laws for a change?
Edit: oh wait not like that
California tries its best… There’s a bunch of pro-consumer laws that other states don’t have. There’s the CCPA which is similar to GDPR (including the right to know and the right to be forgotten). You must be able to cancel a service easily online if you can sign up online. Store gift cards aren’t allowed to have expiration dates. Gift cards with less than $10 on them must be redeemable for cash. Stricter laws against false advertising. And a bunch of other useful laws.
Not as good as the Australian Consumer Law, but better than pretty much every other US state.
EU, we need your bunker-penetrating rockets. Sincerely, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.
Nvidia: bans platform translation layers for CUDA
Meanwhile AMD: is forbidden from releasing an open source HDMI 2.1 driver supporting 4K@120hz because of HDMI Forums requirements.
DisplayPort gang?
Sadly also not an open standard, in reality but they are friendlier to FOSS.
At least it is royality free compared to HDMI which has a large annual fee + per unit fee for manufacturers
Oh. It’s absolutely superior on the royalties side. Just incredibly frustrating that what should be an open standard that anyone can tinker with is not.
It’s at least partially because the specification was designed to detect and thwart attempts to tee the video and audio data in order to bypass copy protection on DVDs and Blu-Rays, iirc.
It is indeed and the fact that I don’t care about any of that makes it that much more frustrating. I got bored with piracy nearly two decades ago and just want to implement my own open-source virtual display systems in hardware and gateway I shouldn’t need to either cough up thousands of dollars a year or find a copy of a PDF that someone “accidentally” left at a public location in order to do so with an established protocol standard.
Does DP support CEC or ARC nowadays?
Mindless fanboys: AmD aNd nVidIa aRe LitEralLy tHe sAme!
Removed by mod
Can a EULA ban fair use? Google v Oracle might have something to say about this.
It can say whatever it wants unless invalidated by a court or an existing law saying otherwise.
Probably depends on your country’s laws. Here in Estonia most EULAs aren’t valid because pressing accept on those isn’t legally binding.
What if we don’t accept the EULA? Like why do we need to accept Nvidia’s EULA to create translation layer of cuda?
You probably don’t but it depends where you are. Reverse engineering software without permission isn’t illegal in most places but in the US I’m pretty sure it is.
So its for reverse engineering it only? They can’t restrict creating a translation layer if no reverse engineering is involved right?
No idea, I’m not from the US and don’t know the laws beyond what I have previously looked up. Here in Estonia you can make the translation layer without accepting any EULA and even if you did it wouldn’t be legally binding. You can alse reverse engineer anything you want.
Me neither is from us though
@FluffyPotato @zea_64 Nice haha.
I give it about 10 years before the EU is invaded by the US after corporate lobbying
Or a couple of months if the EPP win the next EU elections.
I need context
Europeans People Party, large political party within the EU which is largely full of conservative right-wing folks with the german Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen at it’s top. She is also currently president of the European Commission and has been known to be involved in corruption and to favour company interests, as well as the rest of the fuckers in the EPP.
So I guess the context is: If EPP stays in power, that’s good for top-business-people, but bad for everyone else. Thereby detrimental for such competitive-practise-laws.
Thanks. It seems EU needs Navalny too. Fucking Putin.
So a knife maker can now forbid me to cut chicken with it?
No, and if he tries, I will pirate his house and cut all his chickens
But at least you wouldn’t download a car, right?
I’d singlehandedly bring down the car manufacturers in my country if I could. They have the strongest lobby in Germany for sure.
This has been said time and time again but fuck Nvidia. Preventing compatibility layers ensures games and programs that need this stuff are extra unreliable, bloated and enshittified.
They can prohibit whatever they want, but how enforceable is it? Does Nvidia intend to play whack a mole by checking for translation layers?
Now imagine Microsoft banning the translation of DirectX to Vulkan. Could they do that? That would kill gaming on Linux in a snap.
Who said anything about heroes? Villains sometimes want to stop other villains, too. In fact, probably often.
To be fair thor is undoubtedly firmly in the hero category, and they are depicted as him in this meme Thor Ragnarok.
top slider is hella (villain) middle is Thor (hero), bottom is Surtur (villain)
I would argue that the meme has long lost that particular aspect of itself and the character alignment is ignored. In this instance, clearly indicated by Surtr being EU, while the context heavily implies that EU is the “hero”.
Yeah it’s definitely up to interpretation, it doesnt read as the middle slide being bad/villainous.
Bad meme format I guess
You took my comment too seriously, it was just a joke.
But you also singled out Intel. Corporations aren’t heroes in general and AMD is also there. And EU is depicted as the villain, although it’s implied it’s the hero in the context of the meme.spoiler
ZLUDA originally only supported on Intel since it was designed by an Intel employee, but AMD hired him to make it work for AMD instead. So in a way Intel is somewhat important here.
Here’s the problem:
Doesn’t matter the country/countries. Due to bureaucracy and lobbying, this will take forever for anyone to get anything done. And by the time it’s done, something better will have appeared and will be using any and all loopholes present in whatever bill they pass to do the exact same shit that is happening now.
These companies are wielding way too much power if they are not afraid to act like this in the open. Bring back making the board of executives and C Suites lives hell when a company so much as inconveniences you.
I want to see fines that have real teeth. No flat rates. Some defined amount per violation, in addition to forfeiture of all revenue derived from or connected to the violation(s). It might be complex to figure out what revenue that applies to inside a large corporation, so to help with the assessment you get a group of government auditors attached to your company for as long as the assessment takes. You pay their wages and provide them with whatever office space &etc they require, and they have a position on your executive board and full oversight of company operations until your debt to society is fully paid.
Regulatory violations should risk ending the company. If you can’t run a profitable business legally then you shouldn’t be running a business.
Bottom should be MooreThreads or some other Chinese GPU maker
Yeah fuck this.
… What’s a translation layer?
Got a Windows app you want to run on Linux? Wine and Proton are well known translation layers.
I guess Graphics Cards are similar. CUDA is basically the NVIDIA equivalent of .exe I think.
Cuda is an Nvidia specific method for using a graphics card to do computation (not just graphics), like physics simulations.
Translation layers would let you use software designed for other graphics cards to work with Cuda, or to let Cuda software work on other graphics cards
So nvidia designed something and they don’t want other companies to use it?
CUDA was there first and has established itself as the standard for GPGPU (“general purpose GPU” aka calculating non-graphics stuff on a graphics card). There are many software packages out there that only support CUDA, especially in the lucrative high-performance computing market.
Most software vendors have no intention of supporting more than one API since CUDA works and the market isn’t competitive enough for someone to need to distinguish themselves though better API support.
Thus Nvidia have a lock on a market that regularly needs to buy expensive high-margin hardware and they don’t want to share. So they made up a rule that nobody else is allowed to write out use something that makes CUDA software work with non-Nvidia GPUs.
That’s anticompetitive but it remains to be seen if it’s anticompetitive enough for the EU to step in.
It’s too technical.