I would have an issue if the fascist state next to me was trying to develop more too, especially one only held back by a greater fascist state historically.
I would have an issue if the fascist state next to me was trying to develop more too, especially one only held back by a greater fascist state historically.
Nah bud, you just authorize whatever the doctor orders are because they are more knowledgable of the situation.
A fellow anarchist I see :)
I believe it, as someone who hit puberty at all.
I bet they do still consume misinformation, just not in their fields. I know enough scientists that believe in great man theory or that a magic hand fixes the market to know that they’re out there.
Great news Mr eugenicist, no more than 60% of the population can give birth.
It was not an imperialist force from 1917 till the betrayal of the US at the end of WWII.
Russia wasnt a threat to Europe until the US made it one.
You mean the 2000s Republicans dressed in blue?
Other countries? We have plenty of minorities here to genocide first, or at least in tandem!
Now that I look at it it could’ve been used as syllable indicator, but I’d guess that Bosun and Bo’s’n were developed separately in regions with different languages where each spelling was easier for local populations
I too wish for change, and I recognize that turmoil, suffering may be part of the process. However, I am sorry for those that are victims, because losing empathy for the sake of change is not a healthy form of change.
You’re not a Republican? Why the celebratory let’s go then?
And for everyone else that was barred from representation? This isnt going to hurt who you think it will.
You think the sailors were passing notes mate?
Oh no the department cant keep up with all the new manufacturing, we should deregulate it to speed it up! - Them next
My first thought was why they didn’t use percent through season 1 or the shows lifetime to account for variable season length
The magic of forking!