BasementParty [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2023

  • How exactly is poultry a grey area? Have you met birds before?

    I have, they are capable of feeling pain and possess reasonable intelligence. I just don’t consider them sapient in a way that matters. If you cut off a chicken’s head, it will still act like a chicken. This implies that most of what a chicken feels mentally is instinctual. If you cut off my head and I came into work the next day acting normal, it would raise serious questions about the nature of human consciousness. Poultry shouldn’t suffer unnecessarily, but I doubt it has much sapience. Thus a gray area depending on how you judge their intelligence and your own morals.

    I hear what you’re saying about oysters (even though I disagree)

    Vegans always say that but not a single person has ever responded to that point in my 6 years of making it. If you disagree, do what the vegans I’ve talked with failed to do and address it please.

    making the same case for fish/octopus

    You shouldn’t eat octopus. Everything I said about poultry applies 3 fold to fish. Less capacity to feel pain and less sapience. I don’t consider a creature that acts entirely on instinct to have any right to life.

  • None of the things you listed are inconsistencies. “Dont eat animals, don’t support the harm of animals.”

    Yes it is, why is your line animals? Why are oysters so obviously worthy of life but not complex plants and fungus? Vegans claim that just because an creatures nervous system is arranged different, it doesn’t mean that it’s not worthy of life. Why does this not extend to complex plants and fungi?

  • I agree with vegans on 90% of things but the vegan position is ultimately arbitrary on what’s allowed and disallowed.

    Vegans, generally speaking, do not eat any animals. Oysters are not vegan despite the fact that they do not have a brain and their nervous system is extremely simple, they are more or less meat plants. They do not suffer nor have anything in which suffering could be inflicted. If such a simple creature is worthy of life, then most plants we eat are also worthy of life. If not, then veganism is not a moral imperative.

    As demonstrated, the line that vegans draw around the animal kingdom is mostly arbitrary. Eating cows and other mammals is absolutely a bad thing. Poultry is a gray area. Most seafood is probably safe to eat. The fact that I’m called a blood-mouth for eating oysters makes me skeptical of whether some vegans are arguing in good faith. If someone’s righteous indignation on what shouldn’t be eaten ends at animals arbitrarily, then I think their views are based more on a social clique than science.

    I do think they are better than the average person though even if their views are inconsistent.

  • I’m early Gen Z and the thing I kinda dislike is how shameless this generation is.

    Anime is a good example. It used to be a niche thing for nerds that you were kinda ashamed of outside of Studio Ghibli, but now it’s really mainstream. That’s all well and good but then you have some people with hentai stickers on their school laptop. Instead of adopting anime as a medium, we adopted the worst forms of otakuism. Instead of mass adoption tempering the worst aspects, it appears to have emboldened them instead.

    I also know some people who go around sfw anime cons and pay women to step on them in public. When I said this was kinda weird, I was the one in the friend group that got flack. Gen Z is more willing to embrace their weird habits but some stuff should be done at home or with private groups.

  • I’d do it regularly but so much of the time I spent in the centers was just waiting around doing nothing. Even though the process only took an hour or so, you had to wait 2-3 just to sit down in the chair. $80 for 4 hours is still worth it but only just barely since you can only do it twice a week.

    It kinda bills itself as a “Quick in and out deal to get some spending money” but it’s closer to an entire half-day of waiting/donating and then feeling kinda tired for the rest of it.

  • I guess I don’t really understand what your discomfort stems from. Most marriages in human history have been about convenience and economic necessity as opposed to love. It was nice if you got along with your spouse but that was never the main reason. At worst, your parents’ marriage is on the lower end of the average human experience with marriage.

    If you want an existential reason for your existence then you probably won’t find one. Human beings aren’t really sentient in the way they think they are. Most humans are driven by instinct in the same way that an insect is. What we consider the ego is merely the social organ that the brain uses to navigate interpersonal relations.