横浜武道館大会で、ついに最終決着を迎える今林GMとフェロモンズ!これまでの今林GMがフェロモンズに受けてきた受難の数々をドドンと10連発!5.1横浜武道館大会はWRESTLE UNIVERSEで独占生配信!!https://www.wrestle-universe.com/live...大会名:MEGA MAX ...
And they stole the idea from me. I said what if we had a giant robot, and we had someone shove a small Japanese man in his ass. Then when it was inside, he could control the robot with wires and buttons while inside the ass.
And they stole the idea from me. I said what if we had a giant robot, and we had someone shove a small Japanese man in his ass. Then when it was inside, he could control the robot with wires and buttons while inside the ass.