Using a simple text prompt I can immediately generate any kind of image I want. It’s not that much different than a wizard casting a spell.
Yeah, especially if Q* and other AIs can be based in mathematics so it can invent new things that actually work.
Even a simple LLM is a window into the Jungian collective unconscious at time of training, but nobody seems to talk about the philosophical implications of what we have right now.
The Age of perfect robo wives.
For normal humans yes, for those that merge not so much.
There’s websites showing how you can build technomagick circuits with batteries and leds and sigils / potentiometers. I don’t know how it works or if it does but there’s a lot on it. Lucifer Faust shamanic technomagick is a book that teaches you actual magick devices you can make I believe.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.
40k was supposed to be satirreeeeeeeee, I scream, as the tech cultists drag me to the sacrificial altar made out of Atari 2600’s
I honestly have trouble being mad at the non fash tech fetishists. The disempowering horrors of capitalism leave us desperate for salvation and technology is the one promise that capitalism has historically provided as a solution. That being said the solutions of technology under capitalism are usually implemented in some horrific monstrous way but it’s still a solution. Like I wonder how many of these people would very gratefully join a social structure that both promised and delivered change in a prosocial way with or without widgets and gadgets.
I am reminded of the Internet legend that says if you retain your virginity for 30 years you become a wizard, so yes there is a lot of arcane might in those comments
Selection bias. Once you start getting laid, you move to the “Fuckbois” corner of the internet and you’re not allowed to come back and talk to the incels anymore.
Phony magicians who have barely even read the Daodejing. It is sexual continence that a cultivator must practice. Other than that, sexual relations are actually a great source of jing.
If you don’t jack off, the cum backs up into your brain and crystallizes into mana. Not many people know this.
I saw this in an anime
which anime???
Hell’s Paradise, an excellent manga/anime aside from being extremely misogynistic.
Yeah, especially if Q* and other AIs can be based in mathematics so it can invent new things that actually work
These people don’t even know what machine learning means. It’s all based in maths dumbass
Even a simple LLM is a window into the Jungian collective unconscious at time of training, but nobody seems to talk about the philosophical implications of what we have right now.
Jordan Peterson I should have predicted this
There’s websites showing how you can build technomagick circuits with batteries and leds and sigils / potentiometers. I don’t know how it works or if it does but there’s a lot on it. Lucifer Faust shamanic technomagick is a book that teaches you actual magick devices you can make I believe.
California was a mistake
Fucking christ, these dolts think Jungian collective consciousness is like…a physically tangible thing. Like The Force from Star Wars.
When you play too much STALKER and think the noosphere is real.
Jungian literalists
I’ve been reading various AI forums about if Q* has even a splinter of real development behind it and none of these assholes could describe a linear regression let alone how an LLM works. Everything is already magic to them but they want the creepy incel robo waifu magic.
fuckin magnets, how do they work?
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the coders: now the prompt engineers of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their LLMs. For they cast down every man his prompt, and they became poorly composed pictures of snakes: but Aaron’s prompt was trending on artstation and swallowed up their prompts.
printing this thread, eating it, and turning it into shit. magic
Using a simple text prompt I can immediately generate any kind of image I want. It’s not that much different than a wizard casting a spell.
I just want to say that no, you absolutely can not do this. All you can do is designate parameters for image generations, and then when you get an image you can decide if it’s “close enough” or not. If you don’t get what I’m saying, try generating two pictures of the same character in different poses or outfits.
I’m gonna sound a bit like my fundie mom here, but Harry Potter is evil lol. It liquified the brains of so many wonks and tech bros.
Magic is always relative to the wisdom of her many victims. Our computers remain the product of a mundane electrical engineering, and have nothing in common with the wondrous automatons that have, in the historical record, been produced by the wise.
we are living in that episode of ReBoot where Enzo meets the system clock and wishes to be the fastest smartest program on the mainframe and the system clock does this not by speeding Enzo up but by slowing everybody else wayyyy dowwwwnnnn
I think there’s legitimate discussions to be had around how abstraction plays into the line between engineering and magic, especially with postmodern forms of magic. It sucks that these people are too tech bro brain poisoned to even begin that conversation.
Isn’t this just basically like saying engineers in the middle ages were wizards? I certainly couldn’t craft a trebuchet to save my life, yet there are ‘people who are designing a machine that can transport rocks from one place to another’; it’s not much different than a wizard casting a teleportation spell!
At what point does wishful thinking just become silliness? I couldn’t tell you how a thermostat works, but it doesn’t mean it’s a technomagick circuit that uses sigils and harnesses the power of mini-lightning to magically reduce or increase a room’s temperature.
If this is the criteria, we’ve been at this stage of technology being indistinguishable from magic ever since man figured out how to make fire. It’s not like they understood combustion. Heck, man discovering fire would’ve been the true age of technology being indistinguishable from magic as no one on the planet could give a scientific answer for why it works; today however you can talk to an AI engineer who knows exactly why AI works the way it does.
This is what happens when a society emphasises hyper-individualism and rampant anti-intellectualism. People adopt an attitude of “I don’t know how to do that, so it must be some special secret/magic.”
So when these guys see these AIs making an image of a generic anime girl that vaguely resembles the character they asked for, they are amazed and conclude that it must be real magic and not just a parlor trick. And like any good con artist, the people peddling this stuff really hype up the mysticism around it, trying to make it seem like some impossibly special thing and not just another algorithm. We need a technology Houdini to debunk all this nonsense.
conclude that it must be real magic and not just a parlor trick. And like any good con artist, the people peddling this stuff really hype up the mysticism around it, trying to make it seem like some impossibly special thing
Like I said elsewhere it’s like the magicians of old Egypt again
We have magic stones inscribed with precise runes powered by captured lightning displaying this information across the world.
I can agree with you and still be in awe. It makes my user experience more awesome.
It gets more interesting when you avoid obfuscatory words like “magic”, “rune”, and “lightning” (in this context)
rune and lighting are fanciful but accurate. It is a marking on stone and metal with significant meaning and it is powered by lightingsubstance
it’s all natural and rational but describing it poetically is cool and fine