anticlockwise [love/loves, she/her]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • He had accidentally stumbled upon a small cleft in the rocks and, investigating, found that it opened out into an underground passage.

    Armed only with a small prospector’s lamp he had walked along the tunnel, which was about eight feet high with smooth, carefully crafted walls, for about half an hour. Suddenly, he had noticed a strange light up ahead.

    ‘It was green – a sort of sinister green light… it got brighter as I walked along, and then the tunnel opened into a large cave.’

    In the cave, David was greeted by the extraordinary sight of a number of mummified bodies lying either on the floor or propped up against rocks. The fluorescent light which glowed over everything seemed to make the bodies even more gruesome, and their distorted poses gave us the distinct impression that death had crept up on them unexpectedly.

    Along one wall were a number of statues that seemed to sparkle dimly in the green light, as if they might be made of gold. The faces, too, appeared to be strangely similar to those of ancient Inca gods he had once seen. David also noticed that the corpses were dressed in strange garments that looked as if they might be leather.

    Yet he told himself he had never seen anything quite like it before. His only thought was that it might have been a treasure house of some kind. ‘I felt as if I had stepped into somewhere very ancient,’ he said later. ‘That the people had somehow been laying like that quite unchanged from the very earliest times. But how long I just couldn’t even begin to guess.’

    Despite his driving obsession to continue, David felt too nervous to stay in the green-lit room for long. For one thing he could see no source for the strange light. And for another, several of the bodies were grouped around a hole in the far wall of the cave which looked like a continuation of the tunnel. Although he couldn’t be sure, he had the uncomfortable feeling that they might have been its guardians – as well as the keepers of the gold statues – when they were still alive.

  • A lot of these people went out and committed crimes during the pandemic and would not wear masks, even when masks would have helped in evading recognition by security cameras and the police. Pettiness or personal inconvenience or a skewed cost benefit analysis may not be the real problem: they’re polarized in the opposite way that we are, and at their worst, they actively seek to harm society and the people in it.

    From what I have gathered in conversations over the years, during the next pandemic, if and when a biological threat emerges that is severe enough that we will actually have to mandate masks or vaccination or quarantine, that many will start shooting or committing other acts of stochastic terrorism, or interfere with public health in other malicious ways. I’ve heard enough threats amounting to the same already. A lot of them are far fucking gone, and only going to get worse.

  • As Marxists, we must carefully investigate all technological advance, especially those in computation, and of cybernetics we must be most curious of all.

    Computation is at most the symbolic record of the movement of a thought through time. The best an AI can ever do is recording and playing back the process-of-thinking to us, and in the case of large-language-models, this computation produces works that will always pale in comparison to the minds it was trained upon. In spite of any psychic qualities that may be assigned to the electron, our silicon genius can never actually be a Sibelius or a Riemann.

    Those fundamental limitations of computers, however, will matter little: the consistent history of the misuse of new computer technologies, by the capitalist powers, for controlling individuals and populations, confirms for us that the repression and social deterioration that we collectively experience will reach unbearable heights in the days to come.