Like would a Spanish flu level pandemic do it? How many bodies gotta drop before they’re scared into masking
Visible grossness. Boils, hives, rashes, as a result of infection.
People really start to give a shit when that’s a factor.
especially with conservatives prospensity to fear and disgust reactions
State apparatus forcing them to mask
shut down their mouthpieces, take control of their social media, flood everything with actual scientific fact
would erase most of them, the final few die-hards can uh
die hard
if covid made ya dick small
wow I’m never wearing a mask again
tbh I don’t think even that would work, they would blame “woke” food additives or something in the water
chuds would 100% blame “the jab”
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Which is ironic because shaving my beard is like the one covid precaution i absolutely refuse to take
My mother always said that if people bled from their eyes or had massive losses of weight it might work. Might.
I kind of see what she means, but I think they’d kill us all for the economy rather than shut down again.
The problem with covid is that its effects are delayed: My relatives don’t understand that asymptomatic spread means that they’re contagious before they have symptoms, don’t understand that even if their covid feels “very mild”, they can still get long covid, etc. People don’t correlate covid’s effects with covid itself because it’s not on the timeline they expect for a respiratory virus.
My mom said if the first few waves had killed kids then maybe we’d have beaten it by now. Thing is that it did, and it continues to kill kids.
Speaking as a teacher, it wasn’t a surprise seeing our school board spent that first summer reviewing recommendations. Only to send kids back in the fall without any substantial changes. No real protections other than a chronically divorced SRO who’d only be at our building on Wednesdays and who had an office for some reason. That and about 100 books we had to remove from the library.
I don’t think things would much different if it killed the billionaire class’s children. You think Pharaoh gave a shit about Moses killing his kid?
You think Pharaoh gave a shit about Moses killing his kid?
Uh, yeah?
Bad phrasing. Do you think Pharaoh gave a shit about his kid after Moses explicitly told him he would die in a tenth plague?
The Pharoah didn’t believe in Moses’ power until he killed his firstborn son. After his son died, he cared!
That sounds an awful lot like not giving a shit about your kid.
massive losses of weight
gut feeling is this would only entice people
Bleeding from the all the orifices seems like a surer bet.
There’s a tickborne disease that makes you allergic to red meat. Imagine if covid did that.
A disease that causes direct and obvious harm to themselves if they don’t mask.
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I feel like there are so many problems in the US that are impossible to fix without creating an entirely new kind of law enforcement because the current ones are vehemently opposed to any sort of good thing happening
It’s more than just scientific illiteracy. It’s just that Amerikkka’s reactionaries are extremely (and selectively of course) liberal.
They might know it’s the right thing to do, but to the Amerikkkan eyes, that is what makes it all the more fun to rebel against.
i want a reusable mask with replaceable filters but idk which ones work for viruses like covid. but i also worry how other people would react to me looking like a post apocalyptic raider, they freak out enough when i wear a paper or fabric mask. sometimes i kinda wish i lived somewhere with more gun control or a less toxic culture so that i could wear straps and pouches and stuff without people thinking i’m a terrorist, i’m just a dork that wants to dress like a futuristic ninja.
Like would a Spanish flu level pandemic do it?
Just looking at the Wikipedia pages for each pandemic, the Spanish Flu is “generally accepted” to have killed 25 to 50 million people. The Wikipedia page for COVID-19 cites a 2022 The Economist article that estimates 18.2 to 33.5 million death toll for the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic is the 5th most deadly epidemic/pandemic in human history.
Of course, the world population was probably less than a quarter of what it is now, so a higher percentage defintely died. Probably because of the relatively crappy health care at the time
A lot of these people went out and committed crimes during the pandemic and would not wear masks, even when masks would have helped in evading recognition by security cameras and the police. Pettiness or personal inconvenience or a skewed cost benefit analysis may not be the real problem: they’re polarized in the opposite way that we are, and at their worst, they actively seek to harm society and the people in it.
From what I have gathered in conversations over the years, during the next pandemic, if and when a biological threat emerges that is severe enough that we will actually have to mandate masks or vaccination or quarantine, that many will start shooting or committing other acts of stochastic terrorism, or interfere with public health in other malicious ways. I’ve heard enough threats amounting to the same already. A lot of them are far fucking gone, and only going to get worse.
I don’t know. So much about the anti-mask / anti-vax stuff is so irrational, I have a hard time figuring it out.
I think if covid gave you guaranteed dysentery/norovirus levels of shitting yourself for several days there would be a lot less anti maskers
Death alone won’t work because these people refuse to believe they can die or suffer long term health consequences
Know a guy that was laid up for a couple weeks from Covid and I don’t think it changed his mind on vaccines.
But was he explosive shitting every hour on the hour? I think feeling terrible or even almost dying isn’t enough. It needs to be shitting everywhere all the time uncontrollably
Shitting on everything, everywhere, all at once
Tell them AI powered cameras are selling their facial data directly to Putin
So to get them to mask up, you would have to restore their trust in public health institutions.