I’m sure Xi is beyond having his feelings hurt by Biden, but just look at Bilken’s reaction lmao.
Inviting a head of state to your country to publicly insult them is unacceptable anywhere, so this is only going to further tarnish the shitty reputation of American diplomacy.
Trump would wait at least a few days before calling Xi the leader of Hamas or some dumb shit.
So yeah, you’re right.
Nah, Trump likes Xi. He’ll be all over the place about China, but on an individual level he can spot a winner, and he likes winners. He might even still call Xi a dictator, but he’d be like “and that’s good, because he’s a very smart man. Very smart. China is lucky to have him. Some of us aren’t so lucky, if you know what I mean.”
I’m not sure Trump likes Xi. Sees him as a worthy adversary? Maybe. Like? Ehhhh.
Those are just my vibes though.
Trump likes anyone who is nice to him. He would like Xi because Xi would be polite to him because Xi knows how to handle diplomatic tact, no more, no less.
Worked for a bit for Kim Jong Un. Also out of that inthink came the smartest thing Trump ever said and I’m paraphrasing “Part of running a country is having diplomatic relationships with other countries and there isn’t generally a downside to meeting with leaders of other countries.” Coming from business brain but also, like…yeah, pretty sure if I was the president of the US one of the first things I’d do I chat with the leaders of as many other countries as possible, I’m the new guy.
“You think our country’s so innocent?” is my all time #1.
“only losers get captured” - referring to McBraincancer is mine
That one is even better for sure. Like, shouldn’t really even be controversial, but only the least filtered guy to ever get that position could say it let alone any American politician. It’s weird to not be able to admit your country is flawless.
If we’re being real here, Trump doesn’t like anyone. He’s an extreme narcissist, almost to the point of solipsism. When I say he “likes” Xi, I mean that he’s more likely than not to say nice things about him. He had lots of praise for Xi while he was president.
He called the leader of Egypt a dictator to his face, through a translator fwiw.
Edit: ok it actually wasn’t to his face. He called Sisi his favorite dictator before he arrived to an event, in front of diplomatic staff from Egypt
On one hand, getting called a dictator. On the other hand, I’m fairly sure Trump sees that as a compliment.
Egypt is our ally right? That means he probably is a dictator. It is a safe guess. I have nonactual knowledge of the situation
Yes, and absolutely