What the hell is PRK doing!?
That’s nearly a Texas area of forest.
but at what cost? 😭
Xi is genociding the deserts.
ngl, vietnam is looking pretty impressive too
Cuba is at 57.5%, also one of the highest in the world percentage-wise
I would be hesitant in claiming this as a win. I know that Japan has one of the highest number of trees per capita in the g7 but that was a hold over from post WW2. Where they planted a shit ton of a singular tree type. The monoculture wrecks havoc in their ecosystem. All this to say it’s good that they are planting trees I’m just hoping they are doing it planning it out carefully.
A monoculture only wrecks havoc on an ecosystem if a flourishing ecosystem existed there already…
In China, trees are mostly used to block desertification.
For those looking for a source, I looked into it and yes the source is the CCPs claims. We all know how trustworthy CCP statistics are.
According to the Chinese NFI, national forest coverage has increased by 2.15% in the 7th NFI and by 3.41% in the 8th NFI
By contrast, the GFC dataset, which is considered to be more accurate than previous remote sensing datasets due to its unprecedented global high spatial resolution, showed that the change in forest area of China between 2000 and 2012 was a net loss of 38,743 km2, equivalent to a decline of 0.40% in national forest coverage
Basically, satellite imagery seems to “strangely” conflict with CCP figures.
I love how every thread with positive news about China will have at least one chud who can’t even spell CPC properly bleat about statistics from China not being reliable. Get back in your basement.
CPC is for people that have read CCP propaganda.
Actually it’s the opposite. CPC is the actual name of the party, and CCP is the name brainwashed western idiots use for some weird reason. It’s like if I started insisting spelling USA as SUA and then acting like that makes sense. Anytime somebody uses CCP they expose themselves as an utter imbecile whose opinions can be safely ignored.
Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó (中華人民共和國) is the actual name of the country, why did you refer to it as China? “China” likely comes from poor translations of the Qin Dynasty.
It’s been the CCP for years. Even in 2016, it was the CCP in the CCP’s own official translation of Xi Jinping’s speech. CCP can’t just rebrand because it got bad press and expect non-propagandized nations to go along with it.
Does it matter? It’s a translation of a foreign Language, and hardly anyone uses the real names of countries. They are usually longer and in languages you don’t speak.
Yeah, it does matter. There is an official translation from the party and there’s a made up one that edgelords in the west use for some reason.
This article is nearly two years old. Also, I implicitly distrust any source which depicts Taiwan as part of the PRC.
Also, I implicitly distrust any source which depicts Taiwan as part of the PRC.
What did the RoC Marine Corps do to you?
Every single country on Earth except like seven (I only remember the Vatican and Paraguay) acknowledges that Taiwan is a dependent province of the PRC, including the USA and just about all of Europe.
Yes, but as you know in many cases it’s for purely diplomatic reasons since acknowledging Taiwan’s sovereignty means basically severing ties with the PRC, and most countries do far too much trade with it to make that in any way appealing.
Of course it’s purely diplomatic, acknowledging countries is diplomacy. The end result is the same.
The end result here being the non-acknowledgement of Taiwan’s de facto sovereignty, which is decidedly not a reflection of reality. I dare you to tell a Taiwanese person that they live in a dependent province of the PRC because other countries serving their own interests said so and see how they respond.
The bulk of Taiwanese support the status quo, including that being their official diplomatic position, so I think it would go over better than you imagine. The diehard separatists are a minority faction.
The status quo has broad support because it keeps the peace, and the Taiwanese people generally don’t want to fight a war against China. That doesn’t equate to the majority of the Taiwanese people holding the view that they’re a part of the PRC and it should be fairly obvious that they don’t believe nor want that.
Imagine being so brainwashed by propaganda that you distrust your own government position 🤡
I’m not sure why you would assume I’m American. I mean, you happen to be right in this case, but I’m still not sure why you’d assume that.
Anyhow, there’s an irony in your assertion that disagreeing with the position of one’s government is “brainwashed.”
You aren’t brainwashed, you are just enculturated to a very reactionary ideology. I actually agree that it’s better to analyze them as separate countries for the purpose of something like this graph, but this thinktank (which, to be clear, is very Atlanticist, i.e. aligned with your geopolitical views) is almost surely gunning for having their little infographics be diplomatically palettable in hopes that they get used by important bodies.
You don’t disagree with your government; you didn’t know what your government’s position was until right now.
You still don’t really know what your government’s position is, otherwise you’d understand that here, as in many cases, there’s an official stance for diplomatic relations and then a bunch of propaganda (for both domestic and foreign consumption) that undermines that official stance.
Bold of you to assume what I do and don’t know about geopolitics. I’m well aware of the fine line that the US government walks, but I don’t speak for the US government and my views aren’t informed by “propaganda” but by the simple observations that 1) the PRC is a totalitarian regime, and 2) that Taiwan is a de facto sovereign state which broadly speaking doesn’t particularly want to be assimilated into the PRC. Where is the propagandistic angle here?
my views aren’t informed by “propaganda” but by the simple observations that 1) the PRC is a totalitarian regime,
Just because you agree with it doesn’t mean it isn’t propaganda
Do you disagree with either of those observations? They seem fairly indisputable to me.
you’re only allowed to call the PRC “totalitarian” or undemocratic if you condemn the “democracies” of the english speaking world. the US president isn’t even the person who gets the most votes🤡
Taiwan does not “generally” have a stance against reunification, some independence parties are a bit more popular than they used to be, but them becoming a legally independent state requires vast constitutional and international changes no government has even begun to implement
In totalitarian USA the racist police run over protestors with impunity and torture you at a blacksite for made up poverty crimes, president Xi please my people yearn for freedom
Yay China. Say… isn’t this the same country that turns out 68% of the world’s air pollution?
What have they done about that?
wow lemmy is full of liberals
Ya think maybe producing most of the world’s shit has anything to do with that pollution, buddy? Like wow the west outsourced most of its manufacturing to China, no fucking shit it’s going to produce more pollution. What’s their per capita #s look like, frienderino?
In 2021, China, the United States, the EU27, India, Russia and Japan remained the world’s largest CO2 emitters. Together they account for 49.2% of global population, 62.4% of global Gross Domestic Product, 66.4% of global fossil fuel consumption and 67.8% of global fossil CO2 emissions.
Unless China annexed the US, the EU, India, Russia, and Japan and I just haven’t gotten the memo yet…
The picture shows that Vietnam has more with 56.2%…
It’s in absolute area terms jfc
I am always happy to hear about reforestation, but has somebody understood out of which source the numbers from china are coming? I mean they are sometimes quite the enthusiasts talking about their successes
Source for your claim that they sometimes lie about their accomplishments?
you managed to fit so much seething and coping into a single comment
the article linked cites the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations as its source, so it’s not using china’s numbers for this
Okay thanks, I guess I overlooked that :)
It’s not like forest cover is hard to verify by satellite imagery. Lying about reforestation and deforestation is hard.
The satellite imagery shows a net loss compared to CCP figures which show a net gain. China lies more easily than it tells the truth.
You don’t provide sources, so here are some that directly contradict your claim:
CAS: https://english.cas.cn/newsroom/mutimedia_news/202203/t20220322_302792.shtml
UNESCO: http://www.unesco-hist.org/index.php?r=en/article/info&id=1714
Journal of Geophysical Research: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2022JG007101
Remote Sensing: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/13/13/2592
International Journal of Remote Sensing: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01431161.2021.2022804
International Journal of Digital Earth: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17538947.2023.2190625
Where are your sources?