Catherine Flick: “My 1 year old son has just started making noises …” -
What is a tweet at Mastodon called? Please tell me it’s a “masto”.
a toot
Which is probably the only thing I hate about Mastodon. That’s what we tell little kids to call farts.
my instance calls them “yiffs”
Can’t we just all agree to call them “ejaculations” instead?
“I agree with this statement. I shall now re-cum it so my followers can see it.”
It’s called a toot.
Yes seriously
Well they did change it to post but every good instance patches it back to toot because it’s a toot. Iirc it was hbomb who joked and caused it to be that in return for joining the patreon lol.
My first thought was “trumpet”, so I’m on board with toot.
a masto’doot
Probably a heathenous take around here; but if an electric car can’t sound like it’s got a beast under its hood, I don’t want to think about the noise a car is making. If you can’t be muscle, be silent is my take on electric cars; I grew up on motor shows and drag strips. Electric whine just don’t sound right.
If you can’t be muscle, be silent is my take on electric cars
Well, silent electric cars are kind of a menace from a pedestrian safety perspective. They should make some noise on the outside at least.
Make all cars play Despacito, got it.
The ice cream trucks of the future
also helps wildlife to know the car is coming
Programming my car to use GPS to figure out what the most prominent large predator is in the area so it can play appropriate animal-spooking sounds.
All cars are a menace from any perspective but that of the car.
The only time electric cars make too little noise to hear is when they are driving at speeds that aren’t guaranteed to kill you. After about 30mph/50kph, the vast majority of sound comes from the tires unless you drive one of those horrendously loud trucks or motorcycles.
Muscle cars are cool at car shows, but not passing through neighborhoods or areas where people are trying to enjoy talking outdoors.
30 mph is about hte speed limit in school zones where a kid is most likely to get hit by a car to begin with, though. Or where the assumption that cars make noise has lead to inane road layouts where parked vehicles or shubbery obscure oncoming traffic.
I think whine is a function of shit building tbh.
but they do have some regulation in eu to make some sort of noise, tire rolling is very quiet, and low rpm electric is silent
Same in the us. Hybrids and electric cars, motorcycles, etc must emit noise above a certain dB requirement if it can go faster than like 20mph
EV “whine” that you can hear inside the vehicle is a factor of three things: pedestrian safety sounds, tire noise, and wind noise. The only street legal EVs in North America that have substantial whine are Koenigsegg hypercars with straight cut gears, not commuter vehicles.
In some cars, you can hear inverter noise under full 100% acceleration from low speeds, but most people aren’t doing drag strip launches in the day to day unless they’re obnoxious Tesla dudes.
they should make them chuff like steam engines. i have no idea how this would be achieved, but it should be
I think they should just play a recording of the brumm sound
On god, no cap fr fr