The people who called us conspiracy theorists and Putin lovers for saying all along that it wasn’t Russia will never apologize or acknowledge their mistake, and they’ll swallow the next obvious lie without a moment’s hesitation.
every time
They’re just going to pretend that they never claimed it was Russia in the first place.
They swallow the consent manufacturing whole and call conspiracy theorist anyone who doesn’t, then it’s reveled that it was all lies just like the “conspiracy theorists” said and they “acknowledge” that they’ve been bamboozled (without acknowledging that the peoples who told them they were were right) and swear that they won’t fall for it again, then they fall for it again.
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Yeah, the article really spins it to have been one wolf guy.
They will never admit that it was the US, but just moving away from “Russia bombed its own pipeline” is a big deal
Clear bullshit, right?
If Ukraine could pull this off, I could pull this off. I refuse to believe that international infrastructure could be so vulnerable.
It was almost undoubtedly a US Navy Special Warfare team, aka SEAL team. That is who the US uses for such operations. Was obvious as fk the day the pipeline blew up because the week before US Navy units with special warfare teams attached had been loitering in the general area doing exercises. When anyone pointed it out, they got accused of spreading Russian disinformation and social media sites even took down commerical satellite imagery that showed the movement of US Navy units in the general area. The level of hostility, type of aggressive narrative control, and how key US outlets were already standing ready to suppress certain details made it obvious.
Same type of US behavior is what eventually had some people wondering if that Gaza hospital massacre wasn’t even the Israeli military but carried out by one of the dozens of US military/CIA drones over Gaza. Especially once the details about about the blast pattern came out. No one wants to talk about how the type of deaths combined with the type of damage to vehicles in the area and damage to the pavement looks not like the JDAM muntions Israeli jets were dropping at the time but exactly like the aftermath of a Yemeni wedding, ie damage from the airburst charge of US drone fired AGM-114N Hellfire (metal augmented thermobaric for area effect against soft targets) or Hellfire AGM-114P (blast fragmentation sleeved for anti personnel). Was either a US or Israeli drone, although Apache Longbow helicopter gunships also carry Hellfire missiles. Even more damning was dispite constant sightings in Gaza of MQ-9 Reapers since early October, the US government adamantly denied it had a fleet of Reaper drones operating in Gaza until a week ago after a everyone had finally stopped talking about certain incidents.
You would be surprised what you can do. Most of the time the only things that prevent people from doing actions like this are societal convention or the feeling that you have too much to lose. These fears are compounded by copaganda that convinces you that detectives will ultimately find out that it was you that committed the act. The truth is that anyone who is knowledgeable and possesses certain resources can perform acts like this with only a small group of people and get away with it, maybe not always with a clean record though.
i think we’re capable of more than we think
The amount of explosives and specialist diving equipment required to do this is actually not trivial.
The idea half a dozen dudes did this in a small yacht is laughable.
The nato ships doing “exercises” to “train” for exactly this type of operation that were in the exact area about 2 weeks beforehand is the immensely more plausible explanation, which points to the UK and USA, probably with the cooperation of Denmark since it was just near to their waters and observation area.
If Ukraine could pull this off, I could pull this off
Chad forum poster has equal resources to a large Eastern European state.
a six-person team that rented a sailboat under false identities and used deep-sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines
I doubt I could do it without getting caught, but the fact that I could cripple Europe’s economy with a sailboat and a few explosives is terrifying.
Are you an expert deep sea diver?
That’s something a person could viably become. I think the point is that there was a lack of institutional power or actual military equipment or anything else beyond the reach of an individual being used here.
“But thousands of pounds of explosives”
Yeah, that’s probably the hardest part, but it’s not like any of it was particularly artisanal.
I wouldn’t be caught dead using non-artisanal explosives
I don’t buy it. 6 schmucks just rent a sailboat and some deep sea diving equipment? It’s a scapegoat. The only country both capable and incentivized to pull it off is the US. US officials and Biden have said many times they would destroy it. They just can’t be seen as responsible for directly attacking Russia and Europe.
It’s ridiculous on its face
is there a more cucked country in the world than Germany?
The UK. Cucked to both unwavering Atlanticism towards the USA, and a monarchy. Left the EU for the stupidest of all possible reasons. Sent Boris Johnson to sabotage peace deals in Ukraine. Terf island. It just goes on and on.
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It’s honestly hilarious, they are like few months away from writing short letters “Help president Xi, i’m being held hostage by US government and forced to sabotage politics of my own country”
mods are asleep, establish diplomatic ties with china
I think the fact that the UK spawned the US makes the cucking even more embarrassing. This is your child, you made this, and now you just follow every whim
Tbf with the UK, they were only strong because of their empire. The moment they lost that, they pretty much became a backwater European country.
The United States did this, full stop. If Ukraine did it then the EU is fully naked and unprotected.
Yeah this is just setting up Ukraine as the fall guy. I still think it was really the US and Norway, like Seymour Hersch said it was:
Genuinely, if this was Ukraine then the EU coast is completely naked and anyone with a boat can fuck their infrastructure up. You can tell the EU knows this story is bullshit because they’re not doing huge investigations into security. Libs still buy it though.
This is diversionary propaganda in my opinion. The goal is to hand over blame of the attack to Ukraine so it doesn’t harm the US in diplomacy with Europe and Germany going forwards.
Oh and we’re supposed to believe that Ukraine can pull this off but not be able to get the Crimean Bridge?
You just need to watch Germany reaction to those revelations, or rather, their complete lack of reaction, to know it’s bullshit.
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Could you send some sources for the claim that the USA are telling Ukraine it needs to consider surrendering?
This is the liberal playbook though. They did this with the Iraqi “wmds” and every CIA coup ever.
The current US Secretary of State literally wrote a book about blowing up Russian gas pipelines. There was always only one suspect here.
Also wouldn’t be the first time the US blew up a Russian gas pipeline. The US has been blowing up Russian undersea pipelines since the Soviet era. Hell, the US is literally the only nation on earth with a history of blowing up other nations undersea pipelines to advance their own interests.
bullshit the Ukrainian military couldn’t coordinate a herd of sheep
i mean they’re coordinating their army of sheep pretty hard against russian positions
i mean they’re getting mowed down in the thousands but they’ve pointed them in a direction
Time to deploy the tactical corgis for herding
Reporting for service
That narrative never made any sense, anyways. Like, how did even the most credulous westerner explain that to themselves?
Ze evil Ruzzian orcs, incapable of logic due to their inferior brainpan: “ah, yes, I shall bomb my own pipeline to force the effeminate Europeans to buy oil and gas from the US, this is sure to lead me to victory.”
Like, what’s the framing there? That Russia blew up its own pipeline to get people to be mad at Ukraine for cutting off their energy supply somehow? And then the only spin at all was that they just had a single journalist who nobody knows by name and hasn’t been relevant for 20 years post about it on a website nobody’s heard of behind a paywall?
read theory!
what is this?
Are you some kind of hypnotist?
link to an archive of the full article:
looks like they’re scapegoating a lower level special forces ghoul who is already on trial for botching a separate failed operation. They’re claiming he acted without Zelensky’s knowledge lmao
he acted without Zelensky’s knowledge lmao
of course he did. Zelensky isn’t his cia handler
POV: You are a ghoul who has outlived your usefulness to the fascist government of Ukraine. Lmao
“They’re saying I did what?!?!”
Even this would be an act of war against most of Europe
European vassals know better than to question the infinite wisdom of their American masters