: “Please, I just want a house. I’m willing to pay for it and everything, but why are your asking for a million dollars for each?”
: “Awww, look at the dumb naive kid who doesn’t understand that it’s just a sign the economy is going well, you wouldn’t want to hurt ThE eCoNoMy, would you?”
Vampire gang stays winning. Garlic becoming too expensive to use as a weapon. Nobody has a home so you don’t need permission to enter.
nobel prize
ok go on.
It always makes me laugh because it’s not even a real Nobel prize
incredibly true statement
Literally. It’s given out by a different organization than the Nobel prize.
Not that the Nobel Peace Prize or the Nobel Prize in Literature isn’t political horse shit half the time…
We did it. The price of food went from “not cheap” to “holy shit” and its still at “holy shit”. We won.
Now everybody needs to stop asking for those fucking raises.
I’m just glad we didn’t give everybody raises. These economists clearly were right when they said if everybody got a raise inflation would be insane.
Instead we just had massive inflation at the same wages so everybody is fucked.
It’s still wild here in Europe too, cooking oil went from 2 to 6 dollars for a liter and only went down to like 5 recently. I haven’t deep fried a single goddman thing in 3 years
Every time Krugman opens his yap I experience the rage all over again from his gaslighting during Bernie’s first run that was an obvious ploy for a position in Clinton’s cabinet (that he probably would have got if she won). As bad as the Bond villain that was Steve Mnuchin was, I think there’s a solid argument that Krugman could and would do much more damage as Treasury Secretary.
Their whole thing is line go up but they can’t even do that and are coping by just drawing scribbles on walls with crayons
“People murdered by Nazis ex Jews, LGBT, Leftists, Political Opponents, and the Disabled.”
This guy made the rounds all through 2016 bashing Bernie and his policies for being unrealistic and lacking pragmatism. Wtf is this?
Michael Hudson talks shit about Krugman all the time and it’s hilarious
Literally a Babylon Bee article…
I recently saw the phrase ‘food insecurity’ and while I’ve heard it before, I never realized how weird of a phrase it was. It’s poverty, food insecurity is the definition of poverty. But because people have phones or something it doesn’t count as poverty?
I never realized how weird of a phrase it was.
I never googled “food insecurity” because I could imagine what the definition was. But check out the third sentence on the health.gov page. Emphasis mine.
Food Insecurity - Healthy People 2030
Food insecurity is defined as a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. In 2020, 13.8 million households were food insecure at some time during the year. Food insecurity does not necessarily cause hunger, but hunger is a possible outcome of food insecurity.
And look at the phrasing - “13.8 million households”. How many people is that?
Libs love terms that they can use to make something they don’t want to think about more abstract. In this case - they can avoid having to use sentences like this…
- They don’t get enough to eat.
- They don’t have enough to eat.
- Sometimes they don’t have enough to eat.
And libs don’t want to seem cruel and dismissive so they would like to avoid…
- Sometimes they are forced to skip meals because they don’t have enough money.
- Sometimes they go hungry because they don’t have enough money.
Enter “food insecurity”. Voilà!
- They suffer from food insecurity.
No mention of troublesome words like eat, meals, money, hungry or god forbid hunger.
insecurity does not necessarily cause hunger, but hunger is a possible outcome of food insecurity.
Fuck these liberals lol
I think they mean that a person is food insecure if they have to consistently worry about where their next meals will come from, even if they do end up eating every meal.
As much as I hate liberals, the more lib thing to do would be to strictly define the hunger stat to something like “missed more than 3 meals in a row in the last month” or some shit to keep the stats down.
I fucking hate what libs have done to the English language. It’s not meant for this kind of bullshit. It was developed by bog people, Hagar the Horrible and flea ridden dirt farmers who’s boss made them speak French. We’re best off when we’re blunt.
“A true ruler is the wielder of names. By names she cuts the world as she pleases, and she cuts herself into greater forms still. She is not shaped by the world, but instead becomes the shaper. There’s work to be done.”
People with power define how we use language, and its fucking awful how they use it to inculcate themselves further into power.
I use Passive Voice all the time at work to avoid throwing anyone under the bus. It works on middle management super well from either end
Wow, great news for off-grid homesteaders living in the middle of fucking nowhere and literally no one else
Laughs in price of agricultural inputs
Mark my words: The Amish will survive us all.
The Amish are pretty entrenched in capitalism too. They tend to be artisans instead of proletarians but they shop at Walmart and have their brick and mortar businesses starved just like everyone else.
legitimately this makes me feel so much despair
Yachts, exotic animals, Fabergé eggs, precious metals, artisanal cocaine… Normal stuff that you’ll need in any household.
islands, art, human slaves, etc
Krugman won a Nobel prize? Lmao
No, just the economics wanna-be Nobel prize
Peter Nobel describes the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel as a “false Nobel prize” that dishonours his relative Alfred Nobel, after whom the prize is named, and considers economics to be a pseudoscience.
It’s so perfect that the econ Nobel is a knock-off for marketing purposes
Not to be confused with the “joke nobel”, the one that was once awarded to Kissinger.
Right? Obama got one for being “Not Bush.” It’s as meaningless as the Doomsday Clock.
Literally the most relatable thing ibama did was when they asked him why he won the prize and he just kinda shrugged and said “fuck if I know”
When you look for the reason, you just find layer after layer of recursive Obamas