They’d have to grow the forests back first
They’d have to grow the forests back first
Pressing random buttons on the military leader switchboard while looking back at the audience for approval
Imagine dying because you can’t do something that a baby does accidentally several times a day
This message brought to you by Fiber Gang
I am very suspicious of the extremely vague language in the article. Could this have been a friendly fire incident or something? No information whatsoever about the nature of the stop or the shooter.
An alleged 45 degree arm-involved gesture
Casual reminder that you can buy a brand new AR for $500
It’s back up for me already. I feel like they could have milked it for a few more days, but I suppose they are confident enough that there are will be no financial consequences to continue operations until they’re “officially” in the clear.
Absolutely hilarious play by TikTok and probably the most easily avoidable PR disaster for the Democrats in decades. I laughed so fucking hard when I saw this, I can only imagine the panicked phone calls that are happening right now.
I’ve done this a few times but I prefer to use it only as a last resort. For stuff that nobody really wants (what I have) it takes a lot of time, and unfortunately there is a relatively high potential for some real weirdos to find out where you live.
Have you tried using a white noise machine? I literally cannot sleep without one (or a fan) anymore, and I usually throw in an eye mask for good measure.
A T break would probably help, although I know that’s much easier said than done. Edibles always knock me out but I’m pretty sure they make my sleep less restful overall.
Finding or buying materials for cheap to use in future DIY projects that take an enormous amount of energy to complete is the biggest trap ever. I have a stack of about 1500 paver bricks that I got for free 3-4 years ago sitting in my driveway, finally got around to starting a walkway in the fall. Digging out grass with tons of shallow tree roots and leveling the ground is brutal work and I couldn’t get it all done before winter, now it’s going to be another 3-4 months of staring at bricks.
Anybody want like 20 pallets of various size, wood type, and state of deconstruction? How about several piles of rocks, ranging from fist-sized to Atlas stone? All of these wonders and more can be found in my driveway, begging to be stolen by a good samaritan.
It would probably be fine but I’ve never heard of anyone doing that lol
If you have a food dehydrator, drying it out for a bit with that would probably produce better results, but considering how cheap pasta is you might spend more on electricity than you would just buying new pasta.
I am going to try Lemon8, but I still am not convinced that TikTok will actually get banned. I think that ByteDance probably had some kind of contingency plan to sell last minute as a last resort and we will see that happen sometime before 1/19.
It’s not moving fast enough to leave the galaxy: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8FDGo85/
Not sure how long it would take to erode away, but it’s probably on the scale of billions of years. There’s really nothing out there.
Terrible circumstances but that is an incredible photograph.
I believe this is what kids nowadays refer to as “FAFO”
That could definitely be part of it. Hell, you can make booze by accident if you hang onto a container of juice for too long.
The normalization of casual alcoholism and stigmatization of even occasional cannabis use is truly one of society’s greatest mysteries.
People are out here worried about their red 40 intake and then they down a bottle of wine or a six pack every evening like it’s not literal poison that’s completely obliterating their insides.
Get totally bombed at a family function and everyone has a good laugh, but if someone finds out you’re a little loopy because you took an edible and it’s time for an intervention.
I’ve been playing the games for nearly 30 years now and I still haven’t fully wrapped my head around the Zelda game timelines.