I’m not on Twitter, so I get my news elsewhere, but most of the actual pictures I see are from here. So is there some kind of bias where only the fascist imagery gets posted here in the the dunk tank? Or do the libs scrolling through Ukrainian posts on Twitter literally see and ignore fascist imagery on every single post? Like, if they see 1000 Ukrainian soldiers, will they see 1000 fascist symbols?
There are a few things going on.
I have asked a few people I know who are there about some of the questionable patches and the general response can be summed up as “we are killing each other as fast as possible and your worried about a patch?”
Uh-huh. How are you determining that a patch that looks very similar to a Nazi one actually isn’t? Is it just ”well ackshually, eagles were used by Germany before WWII and the swastika is an ancient Buddhist symbol”?
If there are Nazis involved, I personally would like to see them die as fast as possible.
Read my reply many of those patches share an eagle as symbolism but last I checked the Ukrainian trident wasn’t nazi.
If eagles are nazi symbols then I must have gotten some of those bad textbooks in school.
who do you think you’re fooling? we all know where this symbol comes from. we all know what it means
Imagine deliberately playing naïve to run defence for Nazis because it suits US geopolitical interests. Next you’ll tell us about how these soldiers are just wearing a Buddhist peace symbol.
it isn’t “just an eagle”, it’s literally a reichsadler
To be fair, the only other group I know who uses an eagle as a symbol is the US. Wait, never mind, they’re Nazis too, sorry…
Bruv they can’t keep fash symbols out of pictures of Zelensky with soldiers.
Yeah, we’re worried about a patch, because when this conflict ends one way or another Ukraine is going to be full of angry nazis with military experience and vast amounts of weaponry and that’s going to be very bad for everyone.
Please produce one of those pictures.
How do you think it will be bad? They are having a hard time fighting the Russians who are using barely trained conscripts and equipment pulled from museums.
The most advanced things on that battle field are consumer drones and weapon systems that are parts and consumables reliant from western countries.
these are easy as fuck to find. You have to be trying to avoid them if you’re this deep and still incredulous.
Did you also miss the time that NATO tweeted out a photo of a ukrainian soldier wearing a black sun for international women’s day?
Please point me to your dealer. I’ll buy their entire stock.
the media has been deepthroating Western and particularly Ukrainian boots ever since the war began. you would need the strongest solvent on the planet to remove the superglue that binds the average journalist’s tongue to the leather of a Ukrainian jackboot. if even they can’t convincingly depict Ukrainian soldiers as not being coated head-to-toe in imagery that celebrates the fucking Holocaust, then there’s a really big problem in Ukraine.
yes, actually, I am worried that many, many Ukrainian soldiers knowingly use fascist imagery in a war that began in 2014 partially over the rights of the Donbass people. that is, in fact, a rather pertinent issue here
Finish the turn of phrase
Finish the fucking turn of phrase, I beg of you, this is not the defense you think it is
How do people still use that phrase unironically?
We managed to infect them with ebil tankie propaganda but they didn’t get the message
seriously wtf how do they not get that
How do all these waffen SS nazis keep getting in my ukrainian nationalist movement?
70%+ of Ukrainians have a positive image of stepan bandera, literal nazi collaborator
Find me a nationalist movement that doesn’t have wannabe nazis.
I don’t see people loosing their shit over the taliban running Afghanistan like they do about possible nazis somewhere.
Cuba, Vietnam, Palestine off the top of my head.
The vietnamese did not embrace nazis when they fought off the american invaders. The hatians did not become nazis when they cast off the yoke of slavery. Cuba did not become nazis by overthrowing the dictator batista. You are a dip shit.
lmao buddy come on now
Someone cares enough about the patch enough to manufacture them, distribute them, and wear them