I’m not on Twitter, so I get my news elsewhere, but most of the actual pictures I see are from here. So is there some kind of bias where only the fascist imagery gets posted here in the the dunk tank? Or do the libs scrolling through Ukrainian posts on Twitter literally see and ignore fascist imagery on every single post? Like, if they see 1000 Ukrainian soldiers, will they see 1000 fascist symbols?
Bruv they can’t keep fash symbols out of pictures of Zelensky with soldiers.
Yeah, we’re worried about a patch, because when this conflict ends one way or another Ukraine is going to be full of angry nazis with military experience and vast amounts of weaponry and that’s going to be very bad for everyone.
Please produce one of those pictures.
How do you think it will be bad? They are having a hard time fighting the Russians who are using barely trained conscripts and equipment pulled from museums.
The most advanced things on that battle field are consumer drones and weapon systems that are parts and consumables reliant from western countries.
these are easy as fuck to find. You have to be trying to avoid them if you’re this deep and still incredulous.
Did you also miss the time that NATO tweeted out a photo of a ukrainian soldier wearing a black sun for international women’s day?
Please point me to your dealer. I’ll buy their entire stock.