The assumption that old people are inherently right wing and young people are inherently left wing is just wrong. Correlating age with political beliefs is a fucking pseudoscience, and so is the whole concept of generations like boomers and zoomers. Their marketing terms, the baby boom was a uniquely United States thing and to apply that term to 20 odd years of people from across the world is just factually wrong. We got to stop self identifying with these terms because they are ageist and they divide us and they allow for shitty excuses like “it’s just their generation” to excuse shitty behavior.
What’s the point of this? Stop dunking on old people. Old people aren’t inherently reactionary.
It’s not a literal physical deterioration but a spiritual and mental one. The human brain develops itself to destruction by 20-22 and after that there is no real reason to continue living. You become old and then your body starts breaking down.
Think about it like this, mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of fungus. Their main job is to spread spores and once they do their"purpose" is fufilled. They still stick around for a bit but they are essentially useless. The human brain does the same thing to the soul around 20 and develops itself out of its purpose. I don’t really care that the body lives to deteriorate over the next 50 years, the soul of the person is dead. Any brain development done after 16 is largely self-destructive to the soul of the person. Whether that be metaphysical or literal I don’t care.
It’s Schizophrenia in the Deleuzian sense. The body develops past the need for a soul and ultimately kills it to enhance its evolutionary suitability. I’d highly recommend you meditate on the difference between the soul, again literal or metaphorical I don’t care, and the body as a product of evolution. When you see that the body and the soul are in conflict, you’ll start to understand where I’m coming from.
Smokes weed during philosophy class once:
How about this hot take: We are about more than reproduction. Human society is enriched by having both young and old present, and adulthood doesn’t kill your soul, capitalism does.
Wtf are you talking about
There is no material basis for any of this. Dualism is widely disagreed on by the kind of people who came up with evolution.
If you mean that human brain development stops and that people are incapable of having new emotions or new beliefs, this is blatantly and empirically untrue.
Not to mention that you can still have kids as far as like your 40s for both people with wombs and without, so the primary reason given (our species doesn’t need us to reproduce anymore after 19) is blatantly wrong. And why 18-19? Why not even younger than 16? Why not 21 because that’s when most people agree the brain stop’s developing? Aren’t there theories out there that the brain stops developing at like 25?
This just feels like a bunch of weird justifications for reproductive essentialist shit. Respectively, declaring the entirety of humanity beyond the age of 20 to be philosophical zombies is fucking wild and deeply misanthropic. Most workers are in their 20’s. How can you call yourself a leftist when you believe the entire working population has no consciousness or subjective experience?