lol wtf it’s because hetero women tend to date older
True, but only 3-4 years older on average.. Since “young” in this case covers 18-29, women dating older is insufficient to explain the massive discrepancy.
In all fairness, the rate of “serious relationships” is only a 10 point difference as opposed to 30 points but that doesn’t conflict with my original statement. That being young women casually dating a smaller pool of men but not necessarily entering into a serious relationship.
I see these people too. They’re usually older and in more conservative areas. Dating for young people is completely different and for every awkward guy I know that got a girl, I know 10 that have been single their whole lives. I’m not fatalistic, it’s just not likely for this to happen.
I don’t think women hate me, they just don’t view me as a potential partner. I’ve made friends with a few while trying to date. They’re simply human beings reacting rationally to their environment. If the situations were reversed, most men would probably choose a chance at a very attractive partner over a guarantee with an average one.
Honestly I just feel gaslit by society at this point. At what point will my years of rejection be enough to show people that I’m unwanted? I worked on myself, put forth effort, made friends of both genders, got some dates, and I still haven’t met a single person who even considered me on option. There isn’t someone for everyone. That’s cruel I think its crueler that we pretend if these people just got out more they’d all be able to find someone. It’s why you shouldn’t tell kids in poverty that they can become president if they work hard, the circumstances of your birth determine how far you can go.
It sucks but there’s more to life than a romantic partner. Besides that I’m pretty fulfilled. Give it a few more years of trying and then I’ll give up forever.