Owl Fact: If the companies were reporting an increasing rate of profits after justifying their price increases due to “inflation”… there was no inflation.
What if the real inflation was the prices we gouged along the way?
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I’ve seen the same and unironically snack prices being so fucking high has been a contributor to my current weight loss
When chips are almost double digits for a half-full bag after tax, I suddenly don’t really feel like eating chips
This is so real
The cost of chips is fucking ridiculous. So then you get the store brand version but for once it actually tastes worse.
Lays is also garbage, so it can’t get much worse
im almost sure you can get a 10lb bag of potatoes for the price of a 10oz bag of chips
the labor theory of snack value
American Marx like “10 lbs of potatoes = 10 oz of chips”
The moment i noticed this was when i compared the prices to physical books with e-books. One is physical object needing production and supply chain, second costs peanuts after being wrote. Author did not got rich on such pulp, and royalties are like 0-5% depending on how much pull author have. Overall difference in price: 10-15%
Also another fun fact: Poland introduced sugar tax some time ago. Soda producers wailed as usual. Then they risen the price of ALL beverages, including the sugarfree, about the same.
It’s like the 1500ml water bottles that are next to the 1500ml Pepsi bottles. Beyond the cost of the plastic, water and filtration (pretty much the same bottle and filtered water that’s used to make Pepsi) there’s no fucking reason they should be the exact same price.
Games too. The digital download is exactly the same price as the physical. And these days there’s no reason to even get the physical anymore because the game isn’t actually on the disc. It’s just a script that opens the game store and downloads it.
“value to be given back to consumers”
I wish I lived in a world where the CEO of Fritos was a big corn man whose visage was clearly that of someone who loved corn. The smell of salty grease and corn wafts into the room to introduce him before you see him. He speaks, instead, of trying to find ways to optimize getting corn into everyone’s, big or small, hands with the least wasted resources and the easiest methods for those that toil to make it so.
“Is our chrushed, dried corn byproduct slurry too profitable?”
Translation: more people are stealing our chips instead of buying them (keep it up comrades, eventually food will become a human right)
Plain old fashion price gouging being rebranded as “greedflation” (which is dumb word in and of itself) was truly a key example of liberalism controlling language to obfuscate reality.
“greedflation” is a silly word but doesn’t it still put the responsibility for inflation on greedy companies instead of the arcane vicissitudes of the market? gouging is more pointed language but i think they’re generally saying the same thing
Homemade chips rock. Get some powdered salt and vinegar flavoring and they’re god tier.
I just wish they weren’t still unhealthy.
Homemade popcorn is a nice, lower-calorie alternative. Get one of those stove top Whirley Pops, just needs a little canola oil to cook, top with a bit of melted butter once it’s cooked and the seasoning of your choice.
Pro tip for those who like movie theater style popcorn for a fraction of the price! You need two ingredients: a fine ground butter flavored salt (look for flavocol or similar a brand) and clarified butter for topping (regular butter has water & milk solids that can contribute to “soggy” popcorn). Just toss the salt in at the same time as the oil & seeds and add butter to top it!
workers have to buy shit the capitalists are selling?
It used to be a bag of chips was a 3-4 bucks and it was a weeks worth of snacks. Now it significantly cuts into my food budget to get anything like that.
At some point, I just asked if I’d rather have a bag of chips or like 3-4 extra ingredients to season my regular meals.
Are you in a big city or something? I still buy family size bags of chips for about $4