Imagine believing that the political compass - a literal right wing propaganda tool - is not only useful, but unassailable
Edit i was almost a more of a lib than normal. link:
Imagine believing that the political compass - a literal right wing propaganda tool - is not only useful, but unassailable
Edit i was almost a more of a lib than normal. link:
Good response. Agree. In general. I specially agree with the last paragraph.
But it is also the case that diferent owner clases beneffit from diferent laws and ideology. The common example is the american civil war were feudal aristocrats favored low tariffs while industrial capital prefered protectionist tarifs and wage labor, and a strong state that invested in infraestructure like railroads. Views on ussury in feudal vs trade vs mixed societies is another example.
Similarly labor relations as determined by the means of production influence the ideological positions of a society towards labor.
No society has a single means of production, there is usually an amalgam of economic interests each of this benefits from a different law, ideology or coustom. My line of questioning was in this sense, wether diferent material basis of siciety for example pastoralists vs agriculturalists lead to different ideological spaces, and how much of that is pure idealism and how much correlates to differences in the mode of prodiction.
This is a bugbear of mine, but the South was not feudal. It was an alternative mode of capitalism based around slavery (which you’re right did come into conflict with the industrial capitalism of the North). Slaves and Slave owners didn’t have a relationship like serf and lord (which while bad and unbalanced, were meant to have responsibilities and rights flowing both ways). Slaves were commodities, like an oxen or a loom, to be used for generating profit yes, but also for being bought, sold, insured and speculated against.
As Frederick Douglass writes: