Well, in the late eighties Australian men would frequently flourish knives as a part of a competitive mating ritual in front of the females. After which point the challenged male would exclaim, "That’s not a knoife. THIS is a knoife!"and attempt to produce a larger blade. This trend continued until Prime Minister Bob Hawke was grievously wounded by a zweihander after which carrying knives without a permit was banned in Australia
This trend continued until Prime Minister Bob Hawke was grievously wounded by a zweihander after which carrying knives without a permit was banned in Australia
as we all know, Hawkey was actually wasted and mistook it for another yard glass
I wonder if suburbanites do the same thing with knives that they do with pickups and continuously buy knives with larger and larger handles while the size of the blade stays the same
I work IT; having a little knife around for boxes or as a screwdriver if you use a multitool type can be surprisingly useful. I don’t really do desk visits/onsite anymore, but definitely helped then.
It can actually be pretty useful, tbh
yeah, living rural or if I were into hiking, i could see the use.
but being a suburbanite australian like 90% of people here, it just seems so alien to me to actually need to carry a knife
Well, in the late eighties Australian men would frequently flourish knives as a part of a competitive mating ritual in front of the females. After which point the challenged male would exclaim, "That’s not a knoife. THIS is a knoife!"and attempt to produce a larger blade. This trend continued until Prime Minister Bob Hawke was grievously wounded by a zweihander after which carrying knives without a permit was banned in Australia
as we all know, Hawkey was actually wasted and mistook it for another yard glass
I wonder if suburbanites do the same thing with knives that they do with pickups and continuously buy knives with larger and larger handles while the size of the blade stays the same
tfw accidentally pommel striking my wife as i take my “pocket knife” out of its scabbard because a homeless man looked at me
I work IT; having a little knife around for boxes or as a screwdriver if you use a multitool type can be surprisingly useful. I don’t really do desk visits/onsite anymore, but definitely helped then.
What do you open boxes or letters with?
What do you pry the caps off bottles with?
a stanley knife I keep in my cutlery drawer
a bottle opener keyring because I’m an alcoholic australian, otherwise a lighter or the side of a table/plank of wood
Ever since I quit smoking I been opening em with a closed pocketknife the same way.
What about cutting stuff? What do you use to cut stuff?
You find an edge of something you won’t damage and use that to pop the lid of course.
letters and boxes you carefully open with your hands without ripping them.
anything, spoons, countertops, other bottles, a key (painful), not teeth, anything except the tool designed for it