I got fucklepuff
Ravenclaw, always get that
Choose a wizarding book you’d like to read: […] option C: Asiatic antivenoms
Im hufflepuff
Also hufflepuff. Is this the leftist house?
All hexbears are libleft, all hexbears are Hufflepuffs
So I can embarrass you all if you ever cross me
wtf is Azov, why did it put me there
Okay so here me out…
You got Gryffindor, didn’t you?
i got gryffindor, which is cringe bc i know i’d be a hufflepuff. smoke weed every day
Death to America
Contemptously. Bunch of Westerners, I am the snake-pilled, AESmaxxing Slytherchad, you are the seething Badgercel.
I said I disliked Gryffindor the most, bc Slytherin is like, why do I bother hating the fascists? I am dispassionate about
, gotta do what you gotta do. The supposed good guys? This is where it gets emotional. I realize I dug my own pit here
Specifically in 2023?
This isn’t going to have questions like “are you pro western democracy” and stick you in slytherin if you aren’t or something lmao
Badger gang badger gang badger gang
Ravenclaw but I was guessing on a lot of them. Fuck is a niffler?
All of the magical creatures sound like obscure vaguely homophobic slurs from the early 1900s.