Our demands
Return the site’s moderation practice to it’s former, libs-banned-on-site glory.Move forward to a new, glorious form of banning theory inspired by TC69 thought, while learning from it’s mistakes, and listening to neurodivergent comrades- Reinvigorate the heart of this site’s community, c/furry
- Remove r*ddit karma
Critical support for TC69. It sounds like she made some mistakes while going through a rough patch. While I think alienating members of c/neurodiverse was a bad move, it seems like some people in this thread have an ax to grind and are using the opportunity bash her. I think she did a lot of good for the site and things would be very different if she didn’t step in.
TC69 was one of the only admin voices that tried to help bring down the vegan circlejerk migration struggle session
miss her for that
I agree but I do think their axes to grind seem somewhat justifiable.
On the other hand, she’s the only reason it’s the site was ever a safe space for trans people. A complete commitment to dunking on bigots is essential. That doesn’t mean that people don’t have valid criticisms of how she moderated, just that there was some merit to it
And you maybe right, but I don’t know. There are have been other occasions where I’ve seen people write negative things about her and it’s always rubbed me the wrong way. I’m willing to accept good faith criticisms of her actions like the one I mentioned before, but certain comments in this thread don’t sit right with me. Attempts at revisionism perhaps? I don’t know.
I think that, historically, people criticizing TC69 were always transphobic pieces of shit so I don’t think you’re wrong to feel that way
Something definitely did happen with the c/furry mod team, though , which means some aspect of these criticisms have to be correct. I’m not sure what, though, and it may not have even been TC69’s fault.
ok maybe im living up to my username here but to me TC69 is like the Stalin of mods
valid to criticize for stuff like recriminalizing homosexually (or ableism), invalid to criticize bc of red scare shit (or transphobia). they both did a lot of good overall
TC69’s vision for the site was entirely orthogonal to it’s original purpose. Better for some people? Absolutely. Other’s hated it, because it was taking the sub away from it’s /r/cth roots, and so obviously the people that wanted to stay true to that style of posting are going to be bitter about her and her tenure.