More police. But somehow woke this time.
People are being purposefully divided by the ruling class into meaningless containers like Democrats/Republicans, White/black, and tenant/landlord
We’re all on the same side and they know they can’t beat us if we all put aside our differences and band together
We need to focus on real issues that affect our every day lives, like Russian and Chinese imperialism. And also the crazyyyy North Koreans
People are being purposefully divided by the ruling class into meaningless containers like Democrats/Republicans, White/black, and tenant/landlord
We’re all on the same side and they know they can’t beat us if we all put aside our differences and band together
I’m not on the same side as landlords
edit: oh no, I ate the onion
If this is satire: lol If this isn’t satire: what the fuck?
If you see a Hexbear account that is older than like a month posting a take like this, it’s a bit. The unironic ones don’t last long because they get sent straight to the poster
this is hexbear, all of our posts are couched in like 7 layers of irony and sarcasm
Also, the prompt was to write a liberal response
The twists is the last sentence. Honestly a good set up, GaveUp had me going until I read the last sentence twice.
I don’t know, I think by the end of that first line it was clear that something was seriously awry. One of those three divisions is not like the others.
I can’t stop farting
One problem not trying to nessarly shit stir but what is defined as crime is really broad in America this kinda is a important slice of nuance to this discussion.
What’s the liberals response to all this?
Sorry, I had to.
Vote.Endless brunch until November, then
I’d expect nothing less from a guy called @Politidope.
Same as plenty of socialists I’ve seen lately,
blue no matter who
Don’t know why I didn’t see it coming that everyone would fall in line to save democracy again
Also we need to put homeless people into camps so billionaire gentrifiers in San Francisco feel safe.
Is crime actually up by much?
No, but reporting about crime is up because it gets good ratings and more ratings means more beer and toilet paper sales.
Also “news” sources aren’t required to tell the truth because something something entertainment something something no reasonable person would believe us.
The most rational economic system in action!
I think it is slightly but it’s up from being the lowest of all time
It’s enough that it’s got the talking heads on the msm spinning it that it is, which is why I brought it up.
talking heads
unless talking about the band, plz no. talking heads will say crime is bad because the corporate overlords want more cops.
I wouldn’t trust them, or local police. Afaik the FBI is the least sketchy source of crime stats, and then maybe there are some independent researchers that are okayish.
“Very sad to hear that. 😔 It’s unfortunate that this is the current state of our country. White supremacy is a huge problem here and no one should be treated this way. 😔” [offers no solutions to the issue]
The effects are very bad, of course. But the causes? The causes are great.
MoRe pOlIcE! mOrE TrAiNiNg! mOrE FuNdInG!
(please don’t do this.)
This is not a joke. Even though overall unemployment has gone down, black unemployment has gone up in recent months instead.
The system that Bidenomics embodies is designed to ensure that that minorities take the brunt of the economic consequences first before the rest of the population. And you can imagine how that will inevitably exacerbate social tensions between different segments of the demographics, and all to the benefit of the capitalists.
The system that Bidenomics embodies is designed to ensure that that minorities take the brunt of the economic consequences first before the rest of the population.
Obama deleted half of the generational wealth of black communities overnight when he evicted 9 million American homeowners (mostly low income black and Hispanic families), thereby facilitated the biggest wealth transfer from ethnic minorities to private capital and ensured that they and their children will never accumulate enough wealth to become homeowners again in the future.
Biden’s economic policy is simply a continuation of Obama’s racist policy. For example, by raising interest rates to 5% within one year, people with low income are being penalized while the top 10% are largely shielded from it. To put in more clearly, black families whose median income are much lower than white families are paying a lot more due to higher interests (i.e. becoming even poorer) to sustain their livelihood. And the layoffs that resulted from rate hikes also affected low income segments first, which is why you are seeing a rise in black unemployment when the overall trend is going down.
The preacher man says it’s the end of time
He says that America’s rivers are going dry
The interest is up, the stock market’s down
You guys got to be careful walking around here this late at night
This, this, this is the perfect place to get jumped
But do you think the end of the world is coming?
No; so says the preacher man, but I don’t go by what he says
Yeah but did you see
? It’s like Christmas in August.
build more prisons