They are trying to due the time tested strategy of incorporating oposition to destroy them and then geting gas lit and we still won’t have a good single payer option in the year 2040. Its happened like 4-3 times with the dems since 1890 with the SPA (socalist party america) fortifying the dems, then the most right wing party compared to the Republicans.
Mark my. Words these chumps will be democratic agents for the party in not years time as the green transition sets in motion a massive labor struggle with them siding with capital.
The distortion here is the multipolar environment.
its like rain, its not inherently good or bad, is roofing when it rains good, no do you want to slip and die? Is rain good if you have to water plants outside sure. Is rain good or bad depends but its not inherently good or bad it just is.
Not understanding this leads to self confusion about the nature of the wars on going, the russo-ukrainain war is an example of what multipole environments produce.
These environments produce tons of proxy wars as large states like Russia, American, China, turkey, Brazil, India attempt to secure their trade flows and trade blocks. Smaller states in a hegamons orbit like Lithuanian, other ex soviet block countries make massive appeals to other hegamons to get leverage on the local hegemonic power to play them off each other but its really about geting concessions form russia.
The Ukrainians did a multipolar no no they attempted to break the security of local hegamon and the exmonopole power the usa is wagering this war to attempt to regain monopolar status of Europe and Russia in equal parts. The whole point for the usa is keeping Russia and Europe from being an econmic couple as we steal all the best tech and company’s from Europe and eventually turn Europe into hinterlands we can extract educated workers and tech from as their social democracy collapses. They Have no resources their only a danger if they have access to resources and tech to the united States in a real sense.
The united States is acting schizophrenic because its ruling class with in the deep state is divided on of to remain a monopole keep trying that, or to withdraw and go back to bullying south America. None of this is Inherrently good or bad for leftist projects full stop. It just is the environment we find our selves in and it could be good or bad depending on how we are doing here in the states.
In other words are we in a situation where we can play the great powers off each other as worker organizations in the usa? No? Then it isn’t good or bad its just raining and you can’t take advantage of it.
This implys war watching if your not building a org is little more then entertainment to defer doing the real work and theory work at home, it won’t matter how many developed takes you have on the war or how much you cheer one side or the other if your not keeping you eyes on the prize at home. You have to walk and chew at the time.
No one in any ruling class wants a nuclear war or ww3 because you can’t have the same power and privileges in the same way after the fact. Some elites are insane and do I acknowledge this but power structures at the top snip off people who threaten their classes collective interests, think Kennedy, Nixon trying to launch nukes on North Korea during water gate drunk on the phone.