I have been noticing this tread over last couple years, I got introduced into leftistmin the 1980s various trot then weird maosist sects, now a days I could only describe my self as post left, you would have ask my postion on any topic to begjn to categorize me. I run with both the psl and dsa these days but im not married to them. To give context for me I dont want to make the new generation feel attacked in any way.

Anyhow the real question I have is: why are all the zooner seeming various Marxist leniinisims but with all the historical ml positions jumbled up into one not coherent thing like someone trying to rehabilitate stalin but in the same breath say deng is good and ok but krushchev bad and also Gorbachev bad Then they go on these really lengthy explanations about how it works because cited text out of context that im not sure they read it closely. Are young leftists reading theory togather in structured environments or is it all youtube and tiktocks? Im sorry if sound shrill and bad faith.