I’m just showing these comments I saw earlier, which were interesting. Since it is true, that we’ve been hearing that “Russia is cornered”, since the invasion started. I personally just want this shit to end.
These comments are relating to an article from this week.
I wonder if we will ever know what truly happens on the ground (i.e. when it comes to casualties and many other things)
They did a coup in 2014 with the help of Nazi militias.
Nice condescending ableism at the end there. Libs stay classy.
Uh… what the fuck are you on? Can I have some?
The coup in 2014 happened because Yanukovych chose at the last minute to not sign a free trade deal with the EU, but rather wanted closer economic ties to Russia. This is despite the fact that the parliament had overwhelmingly approved the original deal. Protests began immediately (this was in November of 2013). Hundreds of thousands of people across the nation were pissed off. Both the protestors and parliament called for Yanukovych to step down. He refused, and enacted harsh anti-protest laws in response. Things escalated. Eventually, after weeks of clashes with the police, the protestors won out and Yanukovych fled. He then begged Moscow to intervene.
This gave Russia all the justification it needed to seize Crimea so that they could have unfettered access to Sevastopol, which is where they had been basing their Black Sea fleet for like 200 years.
So, like… I get that you’re all rah rah communism rah rah… but how are you going to then shit on an extremely popular people’s movement that ousts the entrenched power system? That seems pretty in-line with your professed beliefs.
Were you also dropped on your head as a baby?
Im kind of sick of having the same pointless “debate” about established facts with dumbass ignorant dog-headed do-nothings dickhead like you, about how the “revolution” was led by far-right militias 1 2 3 4 5 because you never engage with the texts, you all repeat same tired thought-terminating cliches while being weird condescending debatebros that think you’re the cleverest pig in the mudpile. So instead I’ll link you this video, which you can ignore, misrepresent, strawman and nitpick instead.
Looking forward to seeing you ask this same question very soon, despite already having had it answered!
Liberalism 101:
Liberals do not argue in good faith. Every time they start JAQing off and question the validity of your claims, they mean to attack your character and have no interest in the claims themselves. It is not contradictory that they ask the same questions again and again, because their questions aren’t questions, they’re attacks.
Yeah, but you never know, once in a blue moon they’re genuine, and really it’s more about the lurkers than the poster. However that also means that as soon as they’ve been responded to in good faith it’s immediate mockery if they fail to do so themselves as well
It would be great if Euromaiden was an actual popular revolution that turned control over to the people, but any legitimate popular energy was hijacked by western-backed right wing forces. This is evident by the fact that the grassroots protest leaders where shut out of the new government to make space for neo-Nazis handpicked the US state department (you can hear Victoria Nuland say “fuck the EU” around 10 mins into this video before selecting the new Ukrainian cabinet).
And hey, I too used to be a smug liberal who looked down upon everyone who wasn’t in lock step with US propaganda, but if you’re trying to convince people of something I’d recommend you don’t bookend every comment with reddit-ass insults to people’s intelligence.
That’s seriously
, like how was it a popular movement when the next president was a literal billionaire oligarch who supported the protests?
Wasn’t that guy voted out as soon as there were formal elections though?
Nevertheless, that still means there are millions of Ukrainians who would prefer association with the EU over Russia. I think a lot of people take issue with the framing of it all as an artificial coup without popular support because that implies there’s no one in Ukraine who wanted (however misplaced we might find it) to be in the EU and aligned with the US?
It was about 30% vs 30%. Here’s from the UK government Scoping Study:
Note: Customs Union = Eurasian Customs Union which was the Russia’s alternative with Belarus and Kazakhstan. For the most part, Yanukovych wanted to appease to both sides, and was punished by the ultranationalists for it.
However, supporting EU integration doesn’t mean supporting the coup.
I think that implication mistakeningly conflates the protests with the resulting coup. The protests had real popular energy behind them and spotlit grassroots leaders (until the western-backed literal Nazis took center stage). The coup pushed those people and their interests aside in favor of whoever Victoria Nuland favored.