Who’s is this guy?
No Manchukuo, 2/10.
Gunther let us all down 😤
Is Pedronia the Basuria and Yuyencia of Brazil?
So Brazil had two monarchs after independence named Dom Pedro the first and second. Since the second was very slightly less awful than your average monarch, monarchist nerds like to pretend that he was an angel and therefore a monarchy is the correct thing to do.
This loser’s map not only assume that there are enough monarchist cucks to control the entire south of Brazil, they would choose the most godawful name for a nation ever (imagine if a american balkanization had a state named “johnland”)
All Balkanization maps from Euros is cope that Euros can’t build a unified European polity that lasts longer than a century.
What sucks for me is that Amazonia sounds really cool and has a neat flag. I’m down if it weren’t so inane and reactionary to the good guys winning. If it could be Amazonia in name alone and we didn’t have to think much about it that’d rock.
I agree that the name is cool, but I think that flag is hideous
The motherfucking internet.
Before, cranks like this would be relegated to MSPaint and printing out this shit at home and handing it out on street corners or sending it through an ad in the back of Fortean Times or pre-insanity White Dwarf. Now Gunther can fire up his fully-paid CC version of Illustrator, mangle a few vector maps from Wikipedia and spunk them out onto Twitter so everyone can see.
I’ve talked about this before, but he was the chairman of the “Union of Democratic Students”, the conservative party student branch Internationale between 1996-1998.
This formerly high ranking youth politician is now unhinged-posting on twitter with reddit balkanization fantasies and it’s hilarious
For the love of all that is Holy and beautiful, please no-one tell him about Europa Universalis.
Hearts of Iron
HOI is the game that people say, ‘…oh yeah, I play Paradox games’ but never say exactly what Paradox game they play. Then you look at their socials and it’s full of Azov and NAFO shit.
I don’t think anyone that isn’t brazilian or familiar with Brazil’s history can comprehend the level of nerd shit this map actually is; it was absolutelly made by a brazilian teenager who calls himself “monarchist libertarian” and Gunther just snatched it out of the internet
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