HOI is the game that people say, ‘…oh yeah, I play Paradox games’ but never say exactly what Paradox game they play. Then you look at their socials and it’s full of Azov and NAFO shit.
HOI is the game that people say, ‘…oh yeah, I play Paradox games’ but never say exactly what Paradox game they play. Then you look at their socials and it’s full of Azov and NAFO shit.
For the love of all that is Holy and beautiful, please no-one tell him about Europa Universalis.
Uhhh… you’re making balloon versions of Disney characters and rubbing them together like they’re fucking? Because the advert for Benzo The Clown never mentioned the fucking part.
Look, you can have all the cake you want and maybe some juice. But don’t think the fucking thing will get you any extra cash.
The motherfucking internet.
Before, cranks like this would be relegated to MSPaint and printing out this shit at home and handing it out on street corners or sending it through an ad in the back of Fortean Times or pre-insanity White Dwarf. Now Gunther can fire up his fully-paid CC version of Illustrator, mangle a few vector maps from Wikipedia and spunk them out onto Twitter so everyone can see.
Make the tolerances too tight and the body parts will interact with each other in unfortunate ways - shell gets too hot, metal expands, and you can’t open or close the doors. Window glass will crack etc.
Watch these fucking life-size HotWheels fly apart when it gets too cold or too hot.
The Olympic Committee sitting round their big table laughing their asses off at this one.
But if there was a competition for International Money Grabbing, Green Shirt Goblin Guy would be right in there with gold, varje gång.
90yo. Jesus fucking Christ. What a joke.
Taking a heavy fall, her bones must be like a packet of spaghetti after being smashed with a hammer.
Never use 7z, because I do design work for a living and sending things to clients should be as trouble-free as possible - lots of corporate setups don’t allow additional programs to be installed, so zip files are a baseline for things that everyone, anywhere, can open. People have enough trouble trying to understand a WeTransfer download link, let alone some bizarro file format that could be flagged by their antivirus.
There will be massive performance issues due to driver support and in the way modern Adobe apps use the GPU to handle a lot of the work. Over the past few years as GPU’s have become insanely powerful, Adobe have retooled a lot of their apps to make use of that number-crunching - before you could bruteforce it with a decent CPU but now a lot of program functions are handled by the graphics card - even things like canvas scaling and rotation are only active using the GPU.
Until Adobe make native versions (and there is corresponding driver support - nVidia run drivers built specifically for creative apps like those from Adobe and Autodesk), I wouldn’t even consider using Linux for any type of creative work, to be honest.
Just a gormless freak on every level imaginable - a husk of a human being, the type of person who just stares at walls instead of reading a book or talking to people.
It’s more likely a 30 series card, given the shape of the screen / lid and the thickness - I have the 20 series of the same laptop and it isn’t that thick or have the offset shape on the screen.
Decent workhorse for graphic and 3D work. Set up properly it’ll render out images all day without falling over like a lot of other supposedly workstation-class laptops I have used.