He’s going to jail and she’s playing Baldur’s Gate 3
Republic of Gamers
People’s Republic of Gamers
She didn’t turn off the ROG aura, it’s cycling through rainbow colors while they’re sitting there
- Does she have a kid and 2. Did she borrow their laptop?
I wonder if Fox News will ask her about her laptop with the colorful lights.
This is representation for the kids in high school who brought big, loud, constantly overheating alienware laptops to class and played league of legends at lunch.
…you brought laptops to class?
He’s going to jail
lol yea, i wish
The top post on r/politics right now is almost literally “I’d like to see him wiggle out of this one”
Like even if they really believe it you’d think they would have figured out to not write headlines that are basically a reference to the meme about how they keep writing the exact same article.
It’s like if they had a completely unironic article titled “Mr Drumpf, you’re fired”
lmao I thought you were exaggerating but the title literally is:
Rejoice, America: These Trials Should Bring Donald Trump to Ruin - This is the week that the former president’s epic legal misadventures begin. It’s hard to imagine his coming out unscathed
Now this is freaking epic.
Yea my bad should have clarified instead of expecting anybody to be able to not overestimate liberals political brilliance.
Not at all ! I just wanted to expand on your comment because I found that title extremely funny
yeah but the caption wouldn’t be as funny with “he’s not going to jail and she’s playing baldur’s gate 3”…actually on second thought its still as amusing lol
It’s a civil trial and everyone understands it’s a civil trial and everyone with a folded brain not stuck in 2017 understands that this is a big L for Mr Trumbo.
It is impossible for Trump to take an L
Trump cannot L he can only be L’d.
Look I didn’t think so either but he’s trying, he is trying so hard to go to jail there’s a chance he’ll pull it off
Fun bit idea would be to claim diplomatic immunity as an emissary of the Republic of Gamers.
“The People of Nato recognise the sovereignty of the emissary of the Republic of Gamers.”
shout out to the thinkpad haver, gamers delenda est
edit: sitting down next to my client in court and pulling out my steam deck and bluetooth keyboard
That guy looks like his name is Chadwick.
Chadwick looks like he’d run Mint
there’s a sucker born every day.
Trump going on about the golden toilet in Trump Tower while his lawyer is playing Mario 64 on an emulator going BING BING WAHOO!
JUDGE: Would the defense like to present anything in light of this evidence?
LAWYER: Your Honor, take a look at this…[turns laptop around] - this is Starfield. This is the quality of games being released under President Joe Biden, boring empty RPG. Now take a look at this similar game released under my client’s Presidency - Elden Ring. How did FromSoft do it? Why couldn’t Bethesda with the help they got from Hunter Biden, compete??
Take a look at this receipt I’m holding right now, which was archived on the release day of Elden Ring. Notice the line underneath the copy of the game and a 24-pack of Mountain Dew Baja Blast…the date is February 25th, 2022! Your client was not president at the time! This is an attempt to steal gamer valor!
This is the first time I’m hearing this. When I became President in 2016, Hidetaka Miyazaki called me like “Mister President, FromSoftware is doing very poorly. We fumbled the most recent ‘Dark Souls III’” He said.
Big game this Dark Souls III was supposed to be - and you know what happened? The gamers like my lawyer can tell you. They didn’t like it one bit. FromSoftware was on the verge of bankruptcy!
So I said, "Hideki, Dark Souls III was a failure. It was a total and complete disaster. It’s sad. It’s very sad. " And he was crying over the phone like a baby, but I said to him, “Hideki…Hideki, listen - you know Tenchu? You need to make a game like that - Barron will love it.” Miyazaki was humble. He knew that I was right. And then they made Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice during my Presidency and it saved the company, so really you should be thanking me for Elden Ring.
If Sekiro is like Tenchu why don’t I get to murder a CEO in the future?
Sword Saint Isshin would have stayed immortal and have become a future CEO so you did actually
It’s baffling how shit Starfield was. On a technical level it was fine (I guess) but that couldn’t have made it more boring if they tried. I would say it was scandalously shit considering how hyped it was but it got nowhere near that level of criticism. Maybe they are holding out on mod support.
Yeah I watched a few episodes of a let’s play, it looked very boring, some soup of Bethesda game tropes. The ship stuff was hilariously weak, I wasn’t expecting Elite but come on.
I bet they thought from the very beginning that mod would make the game interesting
It was so ass I was unimpressed after getting it for free. The only way I might buy it is if future mods make the space travel actually functional and do something about the dozen load screens to accomplish one task
JUDGE: Ok, then how do you explain the even more critically acclaimed Bloodborne coming out at the tail end of the Obama presidency?
All me bby
thanks obama
Doing the SBF thing and idly playing league while in court to impress the jurors.
It’s more likely a 30 series card, given the shape of the screen / lid and the thickness - I have the 20 series of the same laptop and it isn’t that thick or have the offset shape on the screen.
Decent workhorse for graphic and 3D work. Set up properly it’ll render out images all day without falling over like a lot of other supposedly workstation-class laptops I have used.
she’s not a gamer, she’s mining crypto
disappointed it’s not the wet boi himself 😔
he’s a man of culture, that’s why he’s got the desktop monitor, a big noisy tower under the desk, and he’s playing counterstrike
Barron has had so much influence on his family('s lawyers).
My boy Trump on trial just for being a gamer, what is this country coming to