“What we’re seeing today requires the government, the community, the retailer, everyone, … including the consumer, to take action,” Johnston said.
I work in retail and you could look me dead in my eyes while stuffing a laptop down your sweats and I wouldn’t see shit
Sorry, but I have this weird problem with my vision where it’s really difficult, if not impossible for me to see people stealing groceries.
It’s weird. I can see it when people steal belongings from workers, but my vision turns elsewhere when people steal any kind of property from owners.
I saw a documentary about that terrible affliction once. I believe it was called They Live.
Weird how shoplifting is such an epidemic yet these companies have made record profits over the last few years
Cop budgets are through the roof and box stores are still openly calling for vigilantes. Fascism is so stupid.
It would be funny if the only ones affected by fascism were fascists.
Hitting themselves in the face with truncheons while taunting “stop hitting yourself!”
an ‘unacceptable amount’ of crime
You know for once I agree with these companies, it is unacceptable. We need to be stealing much more
$400 million hit to the retailer’s gross profit margin for the year
Target’s revenue last year was only $108 Billion, how are they going to survive these catastrophic losses of 0.37% of annual revenue!?
Comparing revenue to profit doesn’t really work, especially in retail. It’d be 12% of their $2.78 billion profit, if the $400 million number were true (400m / (2.78b + 400m)).
Target doesn’t bother separating out shoplifting (shrinkage) in their earnings reports though, so whatever the true amount, the company doesn’t actually think it matters.
Their financials did crater last year, driven by a huge spike in cost of goods sold. Which is the line item where shrinkage would be included, but also where their suppliers all increasing their own prices would go, something we know actually happened last year.
Remember: if you see someone shoplifting, no you didn’t
Especially if it’s food or medicine.
They might say: “But what if they sell it for drugs!?” Shut up, scold. Nobody asked you.
“everyone… including the consumer, to take action”
“If you can take a designer handbag and resell it for 30% off online … the consumer has to be a little concerned about that,” Johnston said.
OH NO!!! Won’t somebody think of the designer handbag companies??? How am I supposed to show I’m not poor if my handbag is 30% cheaper elsewhere???
Most people aren’t inclined to break the rules if they think the rules are fair and equitable.
Pay your fucking workers, leeches. Stop price gouging. This isn’t rocket science. People are being driven outside the rules by the misapplication of the current rules. It’s entirely a predictable outcome. As usual the response is more cops. Just as it was “more Pinkertons” during the Homestead riots. Or more pogroms during the twilight of the Tsars.
keep going until they go bankrupt
Capitalism breeds
take action
You’re absolutely right
I’m gonna steal twice as much now
Lmfao sorry man. There’s no way I, as a consumer, am going to do shit about this. Even if I take this “organized shop lifting crime wave” nonsense seriously, the idea that it’s on regular ass people just going to pick up some pencils to potentially put themselves in harms way for their bottom line is so fucked lol.
I find it pretty acceptable.
I find it insufficient. Go forth and steal! The statute of limitations on shoplifting is until you get to your car! I wouldn’t steal stuff from a cop store, but you’re not a cop. You’re not my dad! Later! Later, dawg!