Comments are removed here on hexbear because our mods are awesome and banned that chud but if you want to see his bullshit its over there. He goes on to say that nonbinary identities are incompatible with gender abolition and shit.
“Who cares about your gender bullshit there’s kids in Africa starving”
“Ok we should help the kids in Africa”
“Who cares about the kids in Africa we gotta help our own people first”
“Ok let’s help poor people here pay for food & rent”
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Not only did I clean, I washed the windows yesterday. What now, liberal?
Swallow a handful of benzos, write a book, then cry while being interviewed talking about some random shit
Right, a more accurate response instead of “No” would be something about “inDiViDuaL ReSpOnsIBilItY” and “nO HaNdOuTs”
So fucking insulting to workers to assume that in order to be working class that you have to be bigoted as shit.
Also fuck you, you can’t make me gender. Try and make me, I dare you.
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fuck you, you can’t make me gender
Same, bae, same.
Life gave me this gender and I set it in the corner and just muttered “cool, thanks, I guess” and did nothing with it
I’m the only true leftist because i don’t care about counter revolutionary things like lgbtq people, the working class, women, black people, disabled people or class divide, so i am pure leftist
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It’s … interesting how quickly patsocs took up “producerism” discourse as soon as Starbucks barristas and Amazon warehouse workers started unionizing.
Being LGBT myself, I have grown increasingly annoyed and distraught at the inclusion of weird marginal gender issues into the fight for gay rights. I’m very sorry, but my country doesn’t have a Supreme Court that can just legislate gay marriage. If I ever want to be able to have a family, I need to convince people around me that gay people are normal working people who deserve rights like everyone else.
This absolute mastermind of socio-political strategy hasn’t even finished climbing up the ladder and already wants to kick it down. Man what the fuck!
“Guys please stop being weird. I need to play nice and lick boots until my het masters let me marry and you’re ruining the plan.”
“I cherish gay marriage with all my heart. I don’t care how many lesbians, bis, and trans people I need to kill to get it.”
Respectability politics has always worked!!! Every time!
😃 👍
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Does this guy work as a projectionist professionally or does he just have natural talent?
Also I love it when trans people are described as some sort of eldritch being from outside of time and space, whose gender is beyond human comprehension. To look upon a person saying “actually neither boy nor girl” is to immediately explode into a kaleidoscopic spray of bodily fluids transubstantiated into the physical essence of madness itself
much love to our enby comrades who exist in the simulacrum of thought
Also I love it when trans people are described as some sort of eldritch being from outside of time and space, whose gender is beyond human comprehension. To look upon a person saying “actually neither boy nor girl” is to immediately explode into a kaleidoscopic spray of bodily fluids transubstantiated into the physical essence of madness itself
that guy thinks he knows what “man” and “woman” mean. he doesn’t, but he thinks he does, and anything else isn’t a valid reference. Null pointers are a bit of an abomination in computer science as well.
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spray of bodily fluids
Ahem, gender fluids
huge fan of describing having a job that you hate as “NEET-adjacent.” the only Real Working Class of course are musclebound white men in overalls who clock in at the hitting-rocks-with-hammers and steam factory every day, and never complain or make trouble for the boss, and never take handouts from the government, and don’t even know what a podcast or a pronoun is.
I said basically the same thing to him lol “You’re one of those fucking chud-adjacent losers who think that “working class” means white 40something factory worker with a beard, a wife and 2.5 kids, and a litany of bigoted views huh?”
This guy calls people with jobs NEET-adjacent but probably also thinks landlording is a job
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Gonna say a number beyond any human comprehension (non-binary)
okay, here we go…
how about we go higher
01110111 01101000 01101111 01100001
a lot of people struggle decoupling gender = social norms, and in places where we don’t have longstanding traditions or semiotics for other genders they’re left with information about someone that doesn’t mean anything to them.
and of course not fitting in society’s boxes is kindof the point but these toddlers are looking for a neat conclusion and get mad when there isn’t one.
Gender is a 3d spectrum. You have 1 axis of man-ness, 1 of woman-ness, and 1 of other. If you’re cis, you’re either around 1,0,0 or 0,1,0. Non binary is typically like 1,1,0 or 0,0,1, or some other combination of more than one ”1". Agender is around 0,0,0.
If you ask me, gender is actually a 4D spectrum.
A zero-dimensional understanding of gender is binary: you either have a p♂int, or you d♀n’t.
Many people with a spectral understanding of gender can only see the first dimension, X, which is a simple line from man to woman. For them, this is a revolutionary concept, even though in reality this conception of non-binarity challenges old beliefs the least.
Some people will see the second dimension as well, Y, which goes from genderless to fully gendered. When I was questioning, I would see “gender quizzes” which used this type of still-rudimentary two-dimensional system.
Even fewer people will see the third dimension: as you travel through the Z axis, you will see that gender needs not be founded on genitals or societal conceptions of masculinity and femininity, but can be founded on anything. You are now entering the xenogender zone.
Finally there is the W axis, which is time, i.e. that gender is not static. You could conceive of a fifth dimension as well, which would be that gender is not necessarily predetermined, and you could conceive of even higher dimensions than that, but all that isn’t really too necessary IMO.
In any case, with these four dimensions in place, one starts to see that gender extends infinitely in every direction, and that one’s own gender needs not be a single fixed point (well, technically a straight line through the W axis), but can be a triangle, a spheroid, a tesseract, a klein bottle, literally any shape imaginable — and gender-space can even fold in on itself to create wormholes and apparently non-contiguous shapes.
Cis people’s brains fry at trying to imagine all of this, in the same way that most anyone’s brain would fry at trying to imagine ten-dimensional space. The long and short of it is that anything goes and it’s pointless trying to quantify non-binary identities as simple coordinates.
Yeah I was just oversimplifying so that even the purposely obtuse could understand xenogenders. You can’t really quantify and make numeric human experience like gender.
How is non-binary “beyond human comprehension”? It’s so simple. You’re not a 0 or a 1? You’re not one of two socially acceptable identities? Then you’re something else. That’s all it means. Non-binary isn’t a singular gender - it’s an out group of people who aren’t the socially acceptable genders. It’s much like how intersex isn’t a sex itself, but rather it’s an out-group of everyone who falls outside of the socially acceptable sexes.
How is non-binary “beyond human comprehension”? It’s so simple. You’re not a 0 or a 1? You’re not one of two socially acceptable identities? Then you’re something else.
Non-Euclidean gender
Gender: lengthy corrupted value that allows for Arbitrary Code Execution
Nooooo! Men wear pants and women skirts! You can’t open up my mind to the possibilities! That’s scary! I don’t want to think about how I’d like to feel pretty wearing makeup sometimes, or not needing to always be “one of the boys” you’re giving me options to live my life how I want and I don’t like it!
Non-binary isn’t a singular gender
noooo gender is supposed to be one thing noooooo
Dude has very low comprehension and lacks theory of mind.
“if one should disagree with gender ideology, they need to be killed because they’re a fucking Nazi”
I mean, it said it not me
He goes on to say that nonbinary identities are incompatible with gender abolition and shit.
fucking how? if anything i am the final form of gender abolition. i have already abolished my gender.
Generally the claim transphobes make is that queer people acknowledging that gender norms exist are what cause them to exist (and not the much, much higher number of cishet people who reinforce those norms).
In this case, they’re pretty obviously a fascist trying very badly to pretend they’re not a fascist, so their arguments are even more incoherent than normal.
i don’t think that guy is a gender abolitionist but given how well he understands everything else i’d expect he thinks that
a) anyone is working towards that at all, and
b) people who ID as anything other than “none” or the well-established big two are somehow making that work harder.
or he’s just incoherent and i’m giving him credit by way of projecting my experience with “haven’t got one of those” not really fitting in trans or NB spaces despite semantically not identifying with birth assignment and not being binary.
i don’t know where this “communists just get their views from tiktok” stuff comes from I asked a few questions here and now I have like 20 books or essays to read
It’s because they are doing what libs to and universalising their own experience (I get my opinions from social media sites like R*ddit and YouTube), applying Orientalist and neo-red scare notions (Chiner controls TikTok and it’s corrupting the minds of the innocent!!), and then projecting this out onto communists (therefore communists get their opinions directly from TikTok).
You see this same thing coming from Va*shite hives on places like r*ddit; they ask the circlejerk why tankies are tankies and the answers are invariably that tankies are such because:
They are dogmatically anti-American
They have a latent desire to have authority over others and they’re using the guise of socialism as an attempt to create this set of social relations
They are crypto-fash
They want an excuse to worship dictators
They are brainwashed children who are ideological weathervanes
Imo this speaks more about the person expressing these views that it does about what tankies actually believe and how they arrived at their politics. They’re essentially just telling on themselves without even realising.
Most Va*shites and baby leftists are in their late teens or early 20s.
Most Va*shites just want an excuse to denounce “authoritarian” leaders (i.e. those who are opposed to western liberal hegemony.)
Most Va*shites are incredibly comfortable with Va*sh cosying up to the far right and handling them with kid gloves, with regurgitating far right talking points and in adapting the phraseology of the far right (VDS, anyone?), and in excusing circa-fascistic actions of NATO and the US armed forces abroad as well as domestically (strange how they were so vehemently opposed to the concentration camps on the border right up until Biden came in and, despite interning more migrants in those concentration camps and continuing the construction of the border wall, you don’t hear a peep about it from them today.)
They (obviously) are ideological weathervanes and they’ll agree wholeheartedly with Va*sh’s anti-trans rhetoric or his anti-PoC rhetoric and then they’ll turn around and claim that they’re pro-trans and that they care for PoC, and they have zero theoretical grounding for their political beliefs.
In my experience, whenever I’ve drawn one of these clowns into regurgitating the position that Marx was anti-authoritarian or that I’m just a stupid tankie who is indoctrinated and who hasn’t actually read any theory, as soon as I start flexing my fluency in Marxist theory and knowledge of Marx’s position on authority (including with quotes) they fall silent immediately and scurry back to their echo chambers where they can find people to reaffirm their beliefs and preconceived notions because the cognitive dissonance is too much for them to handle.
I have no idea what Vash or Vashites is or are
but since you’ve given me the chance to ask, what did Marx actually think about authority? from what I understand the one party state vanguard thing came from Lenin right? do they differ in much?
They are dogmatically anti-American
One out of five ain’t bad
Ooh, the “commies are just naive college kids who don’t know how the real world works.” one too, and the “the people I don’t like are basement dwelling NEETs” for good measure.
Oh, and of course, apparently socialism is just “trendy” on tiktok or something, and therefore invalid and therefore the working class aren’t really our ally because they can be racist sometimes(???)
Ooh! And he goes for the “You aren’t fixing every single issue instantly so you can’t actually complain about any issues ever” that’s one that libs love, but never seem to call out…the “nirvana fallacy.”
And then some incomprehensible homophobic bullshit (with a nice dose of fat phobia, why does it matter how fat a person is if they wear make up?) 🤮
What even is this? I’ve probably put more thought into trying to understand what they’re trying to say than they ever did in writing it. “Women are oppressed” therefore…“non-binary people don’t exist?”
If I were a gambling man, I’d place a bet that this person has gone on at least one rant about women on onlyfans “tricking men” or something. He feels like he’s just itching to burst out some misogyny but knows he’ll lose his audience of libs (can only shift that overton window so far overall)
Oh, and of course, the dreaded gender ideology at the end there. And saying that we want to kill everyone who isn’t tolerant. If this guy is really worried about being mistaken for a nazi, you’d think that would be a wake up call, but apparently it’s people who just want to live their lives that are the problem, not the people trying to fucking murder them for it.
Overall I’d rate this 3/10, no death threats, only accusations of them, lazy fearmongering and false equivalences, should’ve been more smug.
What even is this? I’ve probably put more thought into trying to understand what they’re trying to say than they ever did in writing it. “Women are oppressed” therefore…“non-binary people don’t exist?”
A lot of genius reddit brains think non-binary people are just attention-seeking people who want to feel more oppressed.
There are also sexist types that think it’s something to do with internalized misogyny. As if non-binary people escape misogyny lmao (they often attract more misogyny)
It reminds me of how homophobes and transphobes forget lesbians and trans men exist.
im old
i just want the youngins to be happy and not live through the hell i did
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why does it matter how fat a person is if they wear make up?) 🤮
OP sounds lke
“people” i’m not aroused by shouldn’t use the signifiers of
peopleobjects i am aroused byto me.
That’s probably it. “This is the thing I assume women do is solely for my benefit, as a man, so it is wrong if someone I’m not attracted to does it.”
Oh look, another one of these ”I’m left-wing, but also who cares about this gender crap?” assholes who’ll devolve into spouting right-wing anti-trans talking points, probably something about women’s sports, if you give them the slightest pushback
Yeah later down one of the comment chains they start talking about puberty blockers for kids despite saying they’re all for rights for trans people if they’re binary trans people so they definitely get more scratched as they go.