I know most of y’all have fully abandoned Twitter, but good lord if he actually does this (which is not guaranteed mind you) a LOT of vulnerable people are going to get hurt.
You will watch the cartel beheading videos and you will be happy
Can we make post titles more relevant ?
He has to be destroying Twitter on purpose, there’s absolutely no way a person could make this many perfectly idiotic decisions in a row unless it was deliberate.
What I don’t know is why you’d buy a social media platform for $44b and deliberately speed-run it into oblivion, but I’m sure the reasons are not good.
He’s really not clever or competent. From what i understand the only reason tesla and space-x can function is that they’ve developed proceedures for keeping him distracted and steering him away from things he can break, and even that is a constant challenge. With twitter there was no time to learn how to manage him, he just smashed through the wall, shit on the rug, and set the drapes on fire.
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SpaceX has the added constraints of being a NASA contractor. For example, even though Crew Dragon was designed and built by SpaceX, has to strictly follow NASA safety and reliability specifications. NASA has a huge amount of oversight into their operations even though they’re technically a private company. Which is as it should be.
But then why involve SpaceX in the first place? Unless the point is to just funnel public money into a private corporation?
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In my job, my clients are usually executives or VPs. They do dumb shit like this all the time. A lot of these people get to these levels of leadership for reasons that have very little to do with their competence, and they have big egos and don’t listen to anyone, even when you put lots of evidence in front of them that their ideas are fucking stupid.
Anyone who thinks that capitalism is a meritocracy has never interacted directly with a member of the capitalist class.
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He already appeared in my feed despite being blocked. That’s part of the reason I quit, I could see how he was turning the platform into his own personal soapbox.
Critical support to Elon Musk in his quest to destroy Twitter.
Right wingers: “If you don’t like what we have to say, ignore us! Grow a thicker skin!”
Also right wingers: Make it so they can’t be ignored
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the harm is intentional.
He’s literally doing this to appease fashoids.
Twitter’s bread and butter was always that it was a platform that was attractive to celebrities and politicians and have them a direct line of communication to their fans. The celebrity accounts then drew in a large userbase.
If there’s one thing famous people doesn’t want it is to get an uncensored feed of what people think of them. They want to have the sort of engagements that promotes the kind of personal brand they are building for themselves. If you’re a big pop star you don’t want to have people posting creepy sex stuff at you, if you’re a queer icon you don’t want a deluge of homophobia and if you’re building a brand as a very serious politician you don’t want a feed full of people explaining why your bullshit doesn’t add up. The block function is a core feature to keep Twitter’s most business-critical users on the platform. Removing it will be idiotic from a business perspective.
Funnily enough, this pair of tweets could also be from someone hearing about this for the first time.
This is not going to happen because both the App Store and Google Play Store require a block feature to have your app in their storefront
This is not going to happen because
Coinflip if he does it fast enough and angrily enough to push it live before his underlings can beg him to reconsider
It’s a part of elon’s master plan of losing advertisers, access to the app stores, losing users, etc all to….
… listen the man’s a genius, who knows whats going on in there
I appreciate your optimism, but twitter (X, whatever) should have been destroyed a long time ago with the way he’s doing things, yet it persists…
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It’s suddenly going to be a lot more important that he decimated the support team.
Also RIP to Kamiya-San’s account.
I mean fuck, imagine gamergate but there’s not even a block button. Your only recourse as a target would be deactivate or suspend.
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