Told you guys they’re just going to make up excuses to hate us. Unsuprising that anti-communists would use NATO-like tactics
absolutely 100% what i’ve witnessed lurking on all the big active threads lately. people deliberately misconstruing what we’re saying, outright LYING about shit (like they were downvoted/called some slur that is on our filters), and just bullshit concern trolling about shit liek BriGaDiNG (you mean using the fucking website? lmao) allll that shit annoys me.
Saw one going off about how hexbear is shitting up - the site that famously pre-emptively defederated. And the mentioned claims of downvoting/slur use that are technically impossible. They really will make anything up nothing to stand on.
for the record this user has 130 comments in their community and has yet to be banned. letting 196 on a trans instance was a mistake, it would have been better to grab people from /r/traaa or tgcj
if anyone said anything extremely transphobic like this here theyd be banned instantly, longevity of the account or no
They also posted a nato flag with the words “gay right are non-negotiable” unironically, bunch of vaushites
No matter, I shall simply post harder.
The GDR insignia makes everything cooler
Big disagree.
State sponsored gay bars go brrrrrrrrrrrr
lol ya we know loser now get back in ur locker
Lol. Hie thee back to whencever rock thou lurk beneath!
This makes me appreciste having a genuine GDR flsg even more lmao
Lmfao yes because the Communists have such a shining queer rights record. How many gays did Stalin execute again?
That’s a GDR flag (also known as East Germany), at the time the GDR had some of the best LGBT rights in the region.
What does Stalin have to do with that? Not every communist symbol is Soviet. Please actually bother to do some basic research before responding.
I love that the lore for the GDR’s state funding of gay culture was a bunch of Stasi dorks sitting around a table going “gay people are a huge security risk because if NATO discovers them they could be blackmailed with the threat of being outed.” And then someone is like “well what if we just normalized homosexuality and funded gay culture, periodicals, clubs, discos, and made it safe and encouraged for them to be out in society?” And all the stasi people are like “brialliant!” Coming to the right conclusion in the most bizarre way.
Makes me think about how easy it was to turn US spies and intelligence agents because they always had housing or medical or gambling debt so the soviets could just offer them cash to cover the problems their salaries didn’t.
Hey! Thanks for visiting! You should check out Cuba’s family code!
Under the Allied occupation, some homosexuals were forced to serve out their terms of imprisonment regardless of time served in the concentration camps. The Nazi version of Paragraph 175 remained on the books of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) until the law was revised in 1969 to decriminalize homosexual relations between men over the age of 21.
The allies marched gay people right back into the camps they liberated. LGBT people have been getting shit on for a long time, it’s disingenuous to act like it’s somehow specific to communists
who has the best laws for queer people in the world?
Compared to literally every country in NATO, yes
If we’re going to talk about random other socialist countries, Cuba has covered all costs of medical transition under their nationalised health service since 2008
Death to NATO
Funny. Years ago I sent a letter to European Union asking them to force participating countries to pass LGBT protections. They basically told me in a very polite way “sorry, can’t / won’t do”. NATO does even less than EU.
What if it was GAYTO and it was run only by gay countries like Belize and Thailand?
Another blahaj user called it out and the user deleted it and apologized.
No, we must appease them further. We must debase ourselves. We must constrict ourselves. We must put on the armour that Giovanni made for Mewtwo to constrict our powers and serve them. We exist to serve liberals their tepid, stale-ass ideology and memes on a webforum run by ostensible communists.
It’s really strange, I thought the alt right playbook vids were being overdramatic with the Nazi bar syndrome. I can’t tell if the concern trollers are unintentionally libbing out or just fascists doing their job to prevent any sort of left unity. Same thing maybe.
I don’t want to insult anyone by calling them a bot or a bad actor, but I feel more safe posting here than over in their supposedly “less troll” instance.
I think that response is weird. Feels like a nice pat on the back, “you see someone who’s a friend and is saying stuff that is good, but they’re bad, and you should cut them off. Also that’s a good sign that you have so many friends?” And an NPR podcast? Like it feels so on the nose I’m doubting reality
pretty bizarre, i feel like im speaking a different language sometimes.
we are. we don’t agree on the meanings of basic words. like reactionary. and fascist.
being so treat brained I can only think of other people in terms of treats and treat-standins
also referring to a community of people as “media”.
it’s supposedly a sign that your minitory group has truly taken hold in society
Huge “I think the trans people have all the rights they need and are more than equal” vibes. 3 comments ever. Is funding the ko fi donations though, so maybe just a very poorly worded thing to say? I don’t think a right wing op would be donating to a pro trans blahaj lemmy instance as cover.
Yeah it might be more simple than that. The horrible thing about propaganda is you don’t need to have ill intent or even understand it, you just need to repeat it and the damage is done.
lmao I really love how these rancid motherfuckers just make shit up
Like do they realize we can see their posts? Why lie, just own your anti-communism
Honestly I’d rather be called a slur than deal with this sanctimonious horseshit
it doesn’t come down to Trans solidarity, but what this community believes on a moral level
yuck, love having white nationalist pedophiles talking about “morality”
mods, if we’re going to make concessions to the other instances around our posting, they need to ban this kind of transphobic bullshit. that this user wasn’t banned is deeply offensive and rage inducing. how can they call themselves a queer instance and allow this kind of shit to stand? removing the comment is fine and all but it allows the user to continue posting this drivel at us whenever we post.
No it doesn’t. Lmao.
You’re just showing how completely unfamiliar with anything to your left you are.
what is this replying to
“It gives off a massive Conservative pretending to be trans vibe / as a black man.”
Saying this gives off a massive “I have never seen criticism of liberals from anyone other than conservatives” vibe. This is clearly their first ever encounter with real leftists. They default to “these people are conservatives” whenever they see anyone say anything negative about liberals and this only occurs when you’ve literally never actually spoken to a single real socialist before.
You’re fair asking, I wasn’t very clear.
oooh ok
Reminds me of my aunt who lied straight to my face in front of my family members that I outright supported the war in Ukraine. Guess analysis, predicting consequences and advocating for ending the war as soon as possible is now wishing desth for Ukrainians 🙄
Yet she was the one talking racist shit about Ukrainians and saying “they should go back”, calling them lazy and other shit I’d rathet not repeat. I even mentioned that probably ¼ of all Ukrainians my age (20) are fucking dead, I couldn’t believe she was actively supporting them going to their deaths. That fell on deaf ears.
The point is, that no matter what, and who. Liberals will always stab you in the back.
They like racism, discrimination and being pieces of shit in general. The only thing they will cry about is being threatened.
She was snarky, making faces and belittling me yet it was I who was the problem for having an aggresive tone in an answer to a snarky and purposefuly provocative statement. My god if I said “kurwa mać”, it would be the end of the world! But racism is permitted as long as you are nice about it. 🥰
I should’ve actually berated my mother for her shitty behavior, I’m mad I actually wasn’t more confronting about her racism and not just acceptance, but the defence of this shit.
All in all, fuck liberals as they will fuck you over. Always. It sucks having to restrain myself over this bullshit, and not “making a scene”.
Libs just want an opportunity to smell their own farts, foreign matters are just a Disney+ series in their eyes
You mean IPLA series and a good dose of discount books from Empik.
Yeah I ought to read it just about now
Hey everybody I have a confession the last 3 years of introspection and self-examination I have done has actually been a clever ruse to spread Kremlin disinformation.
the kremlin is wildly trans positive, apparently. who wouldve thought
All aboard the Trans-Siberian railroad!
Wait you’re telling me there’s a railroad just for trans Siberians?
I believe it connects to the one for Trans Mongolians
Transgender rail infrastructure in Asia got me like
how people should act, and how we believe people should be treated at a fundamental level
Hexbears are violating my human dignity by calling me a liberal
We’ve been perfectly crafting an “inclusive space” that is free of any race or gender based discrimination for three years. We were just waiting for the chance to trick liberals when they finally fell for it. Legend has it the main character will spend 90 seconds here, once. Inshallah.
We are literally just very gay, there is no pretending here
if that makes sense
it doesn’t.
There are people here PRETENDING to be trans!?
This is unacceptable. Please report yourselves forthwith.
This is gonna bring out a lot of false positives with how common imposter syndrome affects the trans community. It’s me, I’m the fake trans.
Let me take a look at the readings…
By God… It says your trans level is off the charts!
Reading comments like this is actually upsetting, how are these people real and posting on blahaj
I have no idea, but the answer is probably liberalism
I’m not going to engage in the same erasure as this piece of shit but imagine if we all started highlighting how much of a concern troll/wrecker/“fed pretending to be trans” type of comment this is. I’m not saying it is that to be clear, it just reads like a goddamn fed and you don’t see us pissing ourselves and accusing others of not being trans.
It just feels like the libs have found out they are ineffective propagandised useful idiots and that it’s easier to demonise us than it is for them to grow and change as people.
Shout me when the terminally online lemmy gang log the fuck off and start doing community work/organising/mutual aid to improve our communities lives.
Oh and to any libs lurking: Throwing money at
isn’t praxis you saddos. Go make some real goddamn change.
Hey, they could be a fed and still actually trans. The CIA is very progressive about who it hires as Gestapo agents.
But really I think they are a youngish trans liberal in denial.
I’m not saying it is that to be clear, it just reads like a goddamn fed
“If you’re not a cop, you’re doing a cop’s job” applies. Wrecking (and similar conduct) is bad no matter who it’s from.
Some of them are. It’s difficult to tell if they’re using bad arguments in good faith or bad faith, but it is so obviously transparent they have a
problem when you engage with the user and they resort to insults or act like they’re being attacked
It’s so frustrating because I’ve been in discords where that same blood thirsty viscious anti communism proliferates and was chased out by half the discord literally misquoting what I wrote about AES. Plenty defended me as the literal comment was right there but when your own community turns on you because of their own ignorance its genuinely heart breaking and scary to remain a part of it.
The irony that I was doing outreach for my union on better ways to include and represent trans issues and members and didn’t even get a chance to ask for input before getting dragged into toxic debates around whether kink at pride is removed etc. Yeah real fucking praxis from these idiots.
So yeah I bailed.
These people will be in for a nasty shock when they realise most unions have some flavor of marxist in leadership positions lmao. But I’m assuming libs are pro union so maybe that’s on me for being naive.
Which dogshit instance is this from?
oh no they’ve discovered that we’re all conservatives pretending to be leftists in order to spread russian disinformation