Going through a personal avant garde phase.
Get off my profile. You shouldn’t be here.
Because there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Mods are STEMlord-brained morons who soyface at tech buzzwords still despite being communists as far as I know. Users think they’re all Nick Mullen when they’re all Adams except maybe 4 Stavs. The actually cool people on this site are all probably ossifying ourselves into cocoons of eternal slumber to sink away from this wretched world, realizing how we can’t counter the wokelib mind virus: COVID.
I’m this guy.
This annoying. Mods, stop censoring me. They’re also adding little warnings to my romantic DMs that I’ve been sending girls here. Which has successfully warded of 100% of them. I like to think of it as normie filter though.
Empty signifier.
I literally invented ad hominems. Which you would know if you weren’t a soda bitch.
Don’t fucking use my magic against me. I was there when this image was made, child.
Shitlib debate ref spontaneously appearing like Mr. Referee from Medabots to be annoying.
What if it was GAYTO and it was run only by gay countries like Belize and Thailand?
No, we must appease them further. We must debase ourselves. We must constrict ourselves. We must put on the armour that Giovanni made for Mewtwo to constrict our powers and serve them. We exist to serve liberals their tepid, stale-ass ideology and memes on a webforum run by ostensible communists.
Endless tears about losing another site to terminal Redditism. I’m not reading your fucking your fucking sidebar rules.
That’s actually not that new. I think that was part of it.
It is important to remember why cities were building highways through the fifties and sixties; why the federal government was promoting low-density suburban development and why companies were moving their corporate head offices to campuses in the country: Civil defense. One of the best defenses against nuclear bombs is sprawl; the devastation of a bomb can only cover so much area. Shawn Lawrence Otto wrote in Fool Me Twice[.]
The Black Rain documentary.
My housing is NOT a treat.
Edit: A user, I won’t say who, just DMed me saying I was a treat. Thank you.
Edit2: Nevermind. They said they wanted to show me a treat too and it was PPB.
i didn’t know this at the time.
Why does this album give me earthbound/Mother vibes?
I keep feeding them intel on the new BMF alts, but the fuckin’ modsecutor keeps throwing the case out because they’re afraid the evidence will be “inadmissible”. Bullshit. Tempted to hand in my badge and my chinese-made AK-74 if they keep stonewalling our efforts to put this sicko down.